Sunday, 6 December 2009

Say no thanks to imports

I was seconded earlier today to put up a Chrimbo tree. It came in a long cardboard box and was purchased from Argos. I took out the pieces and looked for the instructions, which were printed on a single sided piece of paper. In the corner of this paper it said those ubiquitous words "Made in China" and with them came dissolution. We have to to the point in the UK where it is easier and cheaper to make and import artificial Chrimbo trees from China rather than to make them here. What a sorry state of affairs I thought. I then began to assemble the parts, it didn't take too long, but as I spread the twigs apart on the branches I began to feel some kind of chemical or plastic like residual on my hands. In addition I really think the design of tree probably would not of passed British safety standards. It was poorly constructed and will likely get thrown away after Chrimbo than saved for the next year. So the carbon used to deliver it to the UK, the life use of the product and it's suspect design means it's nothing to be proud of. In an odd irony this is the prime example of a product which will help destroy the world, i.e. global warming.

There is now little choice in the UK to purchase goods made in the UK, made to British standards and by people living here. Just a walk into any super store will validate this point. The plethora of goods which come out of China are disconcerting. They have cheap labour and dire employee rights. It is from developing countries the Western world now resources the production of many goods of which India can now identify itself. They are moving from the production of poor quality goods into high end services. Another example of this would be caller centres. How annoying it is when ringing up a bank or British Telecom for example and finding you are speaking to someone who doesn't understand what you mean. OK I seen the programs on TV where they train these call centre employees to learn about the British common culture, as though this gives them some insight and ability to deal with queries on the phone. But this is ridiculous, it is like having a brand new graduate come into a company get fast streamed into management and then have the graduate tell lower graded employees how to do their job. You have to live here, and be part of this culture to really understand it. Let alone even consider comprehending regional accents. I know of one Scottish person who has always failed to get a point across to a contact centre based in a developing country. They just plainly can not understand a strong Scottish accent.

In a similar vein I heard on the radio this morning about Afghanistan. Where a flood of cash is being put from the UN. However, this money is not going to indigenous peoples. It is going to foreign workers who set up shop there and bid for contracts. It is equally a sorry state of affairs to believe the Afghan people do not have the abilities and skills to run their own businesses. But then this could all be down to politics. Maybe the people of Afghanistan should start doing caller centres for India and China. What have they got to lose?

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Unemployed not being helped by A4E

I just been watching a TV program called Benefit Busters. Which seems just as much and advertisement for the organization which seeks to put people in works as for the plight of the unemployed. This weeks episode was people who had been out of work for some time, one man had not worked for the last 13 years. He then went on to get a job, but after only a couple of weeks was served his notice letter. I felt sorry for him because he seemed a nice enough bloke. However, what was disgusting was the help this supposed employment helping company gave their clients. It verged on the absolutely ridiculous, these unemployed people would be in a class and their task might be to build a bridge out of paper and sellotape, or a model from scraps. There was no structured process by which they set out a time table of constructive events which would help people in to real work. They offered them temporary jobs through contacts they had with employers, they gave them the Yellow pages and also let them write letters to prospective employers, oh yes lets not forget access to the Internet. To which most people just browsed and did their own thing. What they should of done they didn't.

They could of improved the prospect of unemployed people if they used a little bit of initiative and gave those unemployed the skills they would need. Simple role play exercises, for instance on interviewing, or maybe even putting the unemployed in a different frame of mind and asked them all to imagine they were employers, then to draw up a list of things they wanted as an employer from a new recruit. There was no injection of confidence, no inside help, no use of their time or facilities, it was abysmal. So now if anyone mentions to me the acronym A4E, I will just feel sorry for them. And unfortunately realise how they had been baby sited for a few weeks, not helped and not given any skills to help them in work.

An even more annoying point was when the program stated this organization had now been given a 700 million pounds contract with the government over the next 5 years. How the founder must be rubbing her hands together and smiling with glee.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Lunch - not if they can help it

Getting lunch at lunch time is difficult, especially when all the schools are out for the summer holidays. My usual lunch time shops are brimming with people who would normally be at home and children at school. Every food shop is full up, there are ques and crowds. I eventually end up just going to the most convenient and instant places I can, these are Chinese restaurants or take aways. They serve fast and I don't have to que or wait around for my food. But as I eat each meal I now wonder what it does to my cholesterol levels and how much more weight will I put on. It's not good. I'm forced by other people to take these actions. So tomorrow I'm going to make my own sandwiches and stuff the lot of them.

There should be places where only working people can go. Where no tourist or shopper is allowed to enter. Places of sanctuary for the worker, off limits to others. Which require identity verification or something to show you are a worker and not one of the common mob out on a sight seeing tour, out because freedom has been given. I don't have this freedom, my time at lunch is limited. Further I want food which is not going to set me up for a heart attack in ten years from now. Is it too much to ask?

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Fitzpatrick walked out of a wedding for good reason

It is amazing how people make snap decisions on very little information. Over the last couple of days the news has aired a case of an MP who walked out of a Muslim wedding. Predictably people were ready to state their opinions about Mr Fitzpatrick (also the Minister for food, farming and environment) without knowing the full story. He is the the MP for Poplar and Canning Town, which is an area with a high proportion of persons from different ethnic communities. Particularly those who are of the Muslim faith. I expect part of if not all of his constituency is in Newham Borough, this is a borough. Just do a search on the internet for further demographics, then you will understand yourself. As I sat listening to this program it was called Any Answers and was aired by Radio 4, the general consensus of callers was Mr Fitzpatrick was rude in walking out of the ceremony. With intonations he did not respect Islam and did not understand this religion. If men and women were segregated into different groups for a marriage ceremony, most of the callers accepted this was OK. The next thing which vexed me was how the broadcaster did not explain the situation further to callers, he basically let them come forward with snap judgements and so make it seem Fitzpatrick was a bad man who did not respect Islam.

A day earlier I had heard an interview with Fitzpatrick also on Radio 4, on the Today program. In this he was able to give his reasons why he walked out and explain he did so very discretely. This man revealed he went to between 2 and 4 Islamic weddings every month. Sometimes more sometimes less therefore for people to cast doubt Fitzpatrick new little about Islam is a spurious point. It seems to me those who said such things actually knew a great deal less. Mr Fitzpatrick stated in 15 years of going to such weddings, so he must of notched up quite a few, this was only the second time he had experienced segregate guests by gender. Doing the rough maths, lets say he goes to about 30 weddings in a year so 15 times 30 is 450 weddings in all. Now putting this little figure into the picture now shows his reaction in a somewhat different light. Fitzpatrick was in fact highlighting this is not the normal procedure for an Islamic wedding. It is in fact abnormal and is tending towards how a more fundamental version of Islamic preaching, which is trying to seep into the world. He explained the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) were responsible for this version of Sharia and the wedding was taking place in their building. When the honourable MP left the wedding he did so discretely, not making any fuss or drawing any attention to himself. At the same time his wife who was in a different part of the building had also come to the same conclusion and she left. The whole incident was not a case of disrespect to religion or Islam, it was a case of a man who had made an informed decision on previous experience. Perhaps he believed gender segregation is discrimination towards the female sex, especially if we are to understand in the context of the different versions of Sharia. Of which I know one type states the wife will always walk behind the husband. To some people in the Western world this does not constitute freedom, but is rather a sign of oppression.

So in light of a few additional facts I wonder if those phone in callers who thought Mr Fitzpatrick was rude would change their mind. I wonder how many of them had been to as many Muslim weddings as he had, and I expect there would of been very few.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Ads on Hotmail - now fight back

Microsoft are now putting awful advertising on their hotmail accounts. It's odd, they designed Msn and hotmail in such a way as it is easy to report SPAM and to block it, but in a paradox Microsoft have now become the villans. Each of us has bought Microsoft products in our lives, there's no way of not purchasing them, and for me getting a free email account was really a small payback for being a customer of many of their other services. However I now have to re think and seriously consider whether I want any of their products at all, and if I can avoid them and get either freeware or an alternative third party product this will be the case.

It may seem a brash decision to take, but it is not when I consider how much hard money Microsoft has made from products I use. In my workplace their products are the norm. So a licence is purchased so I can use them. At home another licence is purchased. Although they may have the world in the palm of their hand, they can not control every single software writer on the planet. Only the ones they employ. So out there the world of freelance, freeware, and not to mention pirates are churning away the grey cells of find work around. Google is brilliant, just do a search and suggestions come up. Some might not work, but some do help.

If Hotmail is a piece of software which lets me read my email, but I can't read it because I am distracted by the adverts then I will stop using it. Microsoft you are not the only persons on the planet and really, isn't it time you just gave back to the people a small thing, after all its them who have made you so profitable.

Monday, 27 July 2009

No plastic bags, now what do we use?

It's growing difficult to get plastic bags now days when you go shopping. Odd when we spend so much money at the supermarket they now want to sting us for the purchase of a bag. Then those supermarkets who propound this actions is because they are going green, are just making up an excuse. Because if they were really going green then they would provide you with a paper carrier bag rather than plastic. Instead they prefer to charge and thereby extend their healthy profits by a few pence more.

I can understand the need to reduce plastic bags, because it is a wise green thing to do, however, there has to be an alternative. You just can't take away the use of a carrier, it's vital. Then not come up with a valid strategy to replace it with an alternative. But this is exactly what is happening at this time. There is no such alternative. There is now a market out there for the alternative to a plastic bag. It's got three important criteria. It must hold shopping, of various weights and sizes, it must be green and lastly it must be cheap. If there is anyone who can come up with this alternative they could be the next billionaire. Otherwise it then becomes a matter of re educating the entire country. However, seeing how difficult it is to get many people to consider education of any kind as a benefit this become a literal no brainer.

Personally I've always been careful with the plastic bags I've had. Always put them in bins, taken them home and re used as often as I could. Yet it's the other idiots out there who just throw their bags in the street and not care. These are the ones who have given plastic bags a bad name. To some extent it's a bit like the American use of guns. Anyone can buy a gun, but it's the person behind the gun who kills. The gun is just a tool, a convenient and easy to use murder weapon yes. Which like a plastic bag is convenient and easy to use carrier. It's bad use however is now leading to it's demise. Seems odd though, regardless of how many lives guns take, how many families they destroy and how bad lead is to the environment I don't see them being banned. Certainly not in America.

Perhaps there should be a plastic bag justice league. Where only the honest and truthful can use plastic bags. The people who take an oath not to abuse them. I'll sign up straight away. I'm sure it would be a lot less damaging than carrying a gun about. Free plastic bags to the righteous please and leave the lead on the roof thanks.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Being Shafted

I'm getting angry quite a lot lately. But for me it's other people who are the reasons for this anger. For instance finding big Moma would rather get her in the house-maintenance-business boy friend to do a little painting, for which he'll charge her an extortionate rate as well. What makes me angry is she is allowing herself to be shafted. Although I said to her there was nothing a bit of paint could not fix and I had already bought the paint for the job. She'd made up a reason to say there was something wrong with the wood. Considering she's not been up a ladder her entire life and knows nothing about wood doesn't actually enter her mind. She wanted to go out and let herself be financially shafted. This of course enraged me, but particularly because the job was a simple one.

I had the paint and loan of a ladder already at hand it was my intention to sort it out. Not considering also the circumstances of a fellow Shafter to the boyfriend. A bloke who spoke to one of Big Moma's Grand son's and said "so and so (boyfriend) is screwing your nan, how'd you feel about it?" The Shafter is a devious and probably mentally disturbed individual who takes gratuitous pleasure out of teasing in a malevolent way. It is therefore no wonder I was angry and in these circumstances I think justifiably angry. To the point of feeling physical violence towards this individual. In the meantime Big Moma has the demeanour of living walking victim just waiting for the next person who feels like it to just take advantage of her. Why she acts in this way I do not know. Which leads me to think I must of been swapped at birth and am not really related to any of my family at all.

In a huff I sent a text message this morning to Sparkling. Then later on when I have a break I try and chat via MSN. I am chilled at this point. But Sparkling almost immediately accuses me of being in a mood when I am not in a mood at all. This kind of behaviour makes me wonder if there is actually something wrong with me. If I really am Mr Angry and it's me who has the problem, if it weren't for the fact I knew I was chilled while drinking my cup of tea and eating a dark chocolate digestive biscuit then I'd of thought I was crazy. But the fact is I wasn't.

Yesterday I spoke to Green Car man, the first time in about six weeks or maybe more. I had enough of the little Oriental fellow and had told Green Car man the reasons why. Then Green Car man says it's me who is sounding aggressive. Yes I was aggressive and angry, but it was justified, there was reason for my reaction. Does this mean I should not react? I should just sit still and accept the inevitability of being constantly shafted. Should I just go to prison and find a cell inhabited by the biggest gayest tattooed convict, bend myself over and say "come and shaft me buddy, coz every other fucker has." Should I? When it is other people who do these things to me I have no control, so I am going to get fucking angry.

Anger is usually caused by something, in which case it is justified, letting it out is a release valve, storing it up is mentally dangerous. These are facts and should be common place and known to every individual in society. So if someone shows aggression or anger then there is a reason for it and they should be listened to in an empathic way (not sympathetic which is quite different). They should be allowed to let it out, then they will feel better for the whole experience.

At times like this I can easily reason it is better to do with no friends, no family, nobody to rely on in any way possible. Then to die at a clinic in Switzerland when old but not quite infirm, because being a burden to any other person in any way would be relinquishing independence. And communicating with anyone else could mean interpreting an action from me which would make them think I am angry. However, were others not trying to shaft me then I'm sure I would be fine. Yes this is such a beautiful world.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Calm down

When you have to talk to an individual who in the back of your mind one word sticks out "incompetent" and rely on them to act, things can be depressing. Very depressing. It can be family, friend or workplace. Although when it comes to choosing friends if it is a friend then you have to admit to having bad choice. There isn't a great deal you can do, perhaps just be resigned to it, sit down and then meditate to rid yourself of those unpleasant thoughts. Count to a million, count sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, especially rabbits because the multiply quicker and hope those thoughts go away. Hope they dissipate. They don't immediately, it takes time, just as it takes a while to cool down and not let your head explode, or worse you do something silly which makes you look bad when it is actually they who are in the wrong. 1, 2, 3, 4, ............

Friday, 17 July 2009

Getting off a train

There is a number of pet hates I have, I'll admit it freely and say it has something to do with being middle aged. But these personal moans and groans actually do get more emphasised in their significance. They just grow. And then grow some more. Hence this blog. But imagine this, you're on a train and about to disembark at the next station so you go to the doors. The train is still moving but has slowed down because now it is entering the station, and you got up from your seat early because you wanted to be the first one off. The train slows down more, you're in the station and in just a moment it will stop. You know when it stops you will press the door button straight away so they can open. However, here's the biggy, when the train comes to a halt you can see people on the platform also heading towards the doors. Perhaps even one particular individual, like a man in a shirt, tie, nicely pressed trousers but a kind of dumb look on his face. This man then in anticipation of the doors open stands immediately in front of them. Right in the middle of the two as they slide open ready to jump on. He has only one consideration, getting on the train and getting to work. You have only one consideration getting off the train and getting to work. So what do you do?

You can squeeze to one side and let this man push right through the middle of the open doorway and onto the train. Yet, he is at a disadvantage here because the train is not level with the platform and is slightly above the platform level. Which gives you a superior viewpoint. You could let everyone who wants to get on the train crowd in past you while you stand to one side then jump off when the coast is clear. You could stand back then take a run and jump just as the doors open crashing straight into the dumb looking fellow. Now this is a wonderful idea which unfortunately could have it's repercussions, especially if you find yourself getting into a fist fight. Another strategy might be to act crazy, sing out loud to yourself, something anyone would want to avoid and let you get off first. Alternatively put your hand in your pocket take out your mobile phone and pretend to be speaking to someone. And say into the phone something of the like "I am getting off now, just have to negotiate the fecking idiot standing in front of the train door" I like this one and haven't done it yet but it's definitely high on my possibility list. Or pick up a paper, or perhaps book and stand with the reading material in front of you as you slowly keep walking forward, very slowly as if you are engrossed in the book and the morons trying to get on the train have to be rude and actually push past, but you make sure to give them a good stubborn shoulder as they do so. I like this one as well and have done a little shouldering I'll admit. Then next and final strategy, one which I use most of the time. Is to pick on the most impatient and eager person about to push their way onto the train. Then very slowly step directly in front of them. Their usual move is then perhaps a slight side step, just enough so as to allow you to side step the other side away from them. But their side stepping is a reluctant one, it's not a generous one which says "sorry mate, you go first." My next move is simplicity in itself and I am sure very irritating to the idiots. I do the same small side step exactly to the side they were went. This means there is now no movement from the over zealous idiot who really wanted to get on the train first. But the best part of all is, at this stage I have now stepped off the train and there is a space, just enough to one side where other people on the platform can squeeze onto the train. It is a brilliant move on my behalf and I must admit to getting a perverse pleasure out of it, even if it slows me down for a brief second on my journey to work. Brilliant.

The thing is, British Rail as it used to be known, once issued announcements just before you got off a train. It would tell people on the platform in simple to understand words "please let the passengers off the train first before you get on." Maybe the PA systems have got sore throats, maybe the common courtesy of good manners and common sense as well has now evaporated. But let it be known, any idiot, regardless of tie and suit, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or what have, any idiot who decides to rush the doors as they open and it just happens they are the doors I am getting off the train, well they may just learn the art of being rumbled. Spread the word all ye gentle persons who have had enough of stupidity and give it a try.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Self worth

What is the problem with being ordinary? Normal? If such a thing actually exists, when it's all down to perception. Other peoples' perceptions of ourselves. I might seem ordinary to someone who saw me in the street, just a normal Joe, like anyone else. While inside I stand out as me, quite individualistic, with my own quirks and abilities. More than capable, much more in most circumstances yet unrecognised. Fiercely individualistic, independent minded and I believe pretty intelligent. Yes there's a few grey cells up there dancing about, well they are on occasion. I'd go so far as blowing my own trumpet and say smarter than the average bear, which then takes me out of the ordinary. Yet it's not something I wear as a rainbow coat, or Gucci glasses, but it is there, there for the perceptive. It can't be seen by just looking, it has to be found by talking and knowing who I am. A quick glance will say nothing.

And yet there are people who by virtue of their position, look down on others and never get to know them or understand them. Who are insular to the point of insidiousness and don't see it. What a dangerous place to be. You can imagine what the cat thought of the queen when visiting her. Quite simply it would of been "not much" because she is not important to a cat, nowhere as close as a mouse, another cat or a tweeting little bird.

In the Bay of Pigs episode of the 1960s President Kennedy by the smallest whisker evaded Nuclear War. The expression "lucked out" arose. In addition a phenomenon called "group think" also came to the forefront in the understanding of group dynamics. Yet, there are may people who sit in stagnant groups who have no notion of what this concept is. Who repeat mistakes which have been documented decades earlier. Ignorance is worn like a proud new designer label. Unfortunately those who are not allowed into the circle and can see this are not heard. It might be said such a thing is happening to our very own government at this moment and it is only the MPs expenses and awards travesty which is bringing them to realise. Realise they will likely not remain MPs in the next election. One short ginger woman comes to mind who has no self conscious notion of how the country sees her actions. I'm sure the voters though will show her.

So what am I really talking about amongst all this digression I ask. It's not so difficult. It's self worth. If we were all put on a level playing field no person is worth more than another, although we can give each person we admire our respect, there is no set of steps for the high and powerful to stand on when on the playing field. Whether politicians, monarchy or other persons of authority. When we are born we are naked, when we die we take nothing with us and our bodies turn to dust. What sobering facts for those who believe their self worth higher than others and do so by remunerating it as well.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Attention Dictators

I don't know what it is, but I like peace and even sometimes silence when doing a task which requires my attention. This however can be pretty difficult when in a work place with other people only a desk away. Then even when they are occupied with actually doing some work, you can not anticipate for visitors. Yes. Those ones who turn up just to have a chat, steal a sweet, biscuit, cake or part of your time with a query they can't use their own initiative to work out. But it must be inane chatter I dislike most of all. Sitting there trying to concentrate is a Herculean task, you're trying to tie in figures against text, reason and understand spread sheets, or complex legal things and someone stands nearby and just chats. It doesn't matter what their chat is about. Whether it is cats, dogs, the price of fish or even work related. It is chat which breaks the peace, but worse still breaks your concentration. When your attention is narrowed to understand something and these persons stand there arms crossed looking like a Les Dawson character they actually become dictators. It seems they have no incite into their own behaviour as if they are mentally ill in some way.  For they also know the need to concentrate when trying to get on with their own job. You would of thought there was an innate understanding.

Not the dictator of a country, like Stalin was or the Italian fascist bloke during the second world war. No. These individuals become dictators of your mind and your work. The gibbering rubbish gets in the way of thought and clarity. These are the same persons who if they get stuck on a query they just can't get around are likely to come up to you and steal your time. It's not just this it is also attention. When you are ready and have psyched yourself up and have fully immersed your mind and attention in what it is you are trying to understand, these dictators decide how much work you are going to do. They decide if you are going to work or not going to work. Then after ten minutes they will wing their self away on a zephyr of happy contentedness having passed the time with their colleague, and of complete oblivion of how they have effected you.

If only it were possible to completely cut out sound on such an occasion. To fully obliterate whatever it is these people are doing to your mind. Or it were possible to mind control them the same way they grab and distort your own concentration. Mind control the dictators of attention into a blank zombie ism. So they can not speak, so they can barely dribble and then as their own attention is so short they wonder off bumping into fellow zombies along the way. Perhaps congregating in places where they can do no harm. Like long lost fields where nothing but long grass and nesting birds inhabit. Then they can stand zombie like and try their powers of dictator attention grabbing on the open air wildlife. Miraculously they would then fade into oblivion their bones feeding the soil and contributing to the wonderful country side we could have. Another alternative is to have spring loaded cattle prods, which automatically come out of a wall crevice and shoot ten thousand volts through the dictators. It would be nice to see how much they have to say then and whether they are able to even blubber. If they can I'm sure another prod could be provided at no extra cost of course.