Thursday, 6 August 2009

Ads on Hotmail - now fight back

Microsoft are now putting awful advertising on their hotmail accounts. It's odd, they designed Msn and hotmail in such a way as it is easy to report SPAM and to block it, but in a paradox Microsoft have now become the villans. Each of us has bought Microsoft products in our lives, there's no way of not purchasing them, and for me getting a free email account was really a small payback for being a customer of many of their other services. However I now have to re think and seriously consider whether I want any of their products at all, and if I can avoid them and get either freeware or an alternative third party product this will be the case.

It may seem a brash decision to take, but it is not when I consider how much hard money Microsoft has made from products I use. In my workplace their products are the norm. So a licence is purchased so I can use them. At home another licence is purchased. Although they may have the world in the palm of their hand, they can not control every single software writer on the planet. Only the ones they employ. So out there the world of freelance, freeware, and not to mention pirates are churning away the grey cells of find work around. Google is brilliant, just do a search and suggestions come up. Some might not work, but some do help.

If Hotmail is a piece of software which lets me read my email, but I can't read it because I am distracted by the adverts then I will stop using it. Microsoft you are not the only persons on the planet and really, isn't it time you just gave back to the people a small thing, after all its them who have made you so profitable.

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