Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Sounding a air horn in a library

It's funny how new arse holes find different ways of being bigger arse holes. An example is a tosser who filmed himself going into libraries with an air horn, blowing it and videoing himself. His face is expressionless and like all arse holes he is seeking attention. What stupidity is it makes someone do this? Libraries are places of study and usually quietness is a help. Some university students will have their careers dictated by the time they spend in a library because there are few places they can seek refuge from the noise of a home and even their own bedroom if it is shared. Being in a study zone where your mind is fully concentrated on a subject can be a valuable place to be. Then being disturbed by a tosser who think's his momentary youtube fame is worthy of a million likes and the additional subscription of half a billion users. I wonder how he might feel if at some future point a heart surgeon is operating on a loved relative, and at the point making a critical decision that heart surgeon is then also given the horn treatment? He might be unhappy, he might be very unhappy and he might then realise the error of his ways. Shame it would take so long to realise it.

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