Donald has now pronounced himself to be the most intelligent and stable person he knows. This is a man who has learning difficulties reading. Perhaps he can't count beyond the fingers of his own hands or perhaps he has a problem from moving from the number one and talking about himself. This self hair dying ginger nob head thinks he is stable and thinks he is intelligent. For an individual to have to say this about themselves suggests they are hardly anything but intelligent. Further he has described himself as a genius, which he might be if his peers were a group of four year olds. You'd certainly would feel uneasy seeing him in a sandpit playing with a bunch of them, mothers and fathers would shout out 'keep that degenerate ginger nut away from my child!' There are few people who would agree with him (except for Mike (sycophant) Pence who has a silly lap-dog expression on his face whenever he sees Trump speak.
In the meantime nearly a full year has passed since his presidency and the hot topic yet again is whether the Trumpard should be allowed to open the door to a all white padded room from which he can sit and eat his cheeseburgers and fries. As yet another round of headlines hits the press from the opinion of mental health experts such as well known psychiatrists and psychologists. It beggars belief to consider such health professionals would debate or question the mental health of such a powerful man. Maybe they have nuclear bunkers and live on a secret island. It's funny though the question of Trump's mental well being has been continuously raised during this entire period and no doubt it will every additional day he lodges in the White House.

In the meantime America's image to the world is of a nation in complete disarray, a nation of idiots who voted in an idiot as a President. Putin knows this and is enjoying each and every day Trump is in power. Americans may get some reprieve when comedians such as Colbert throw up their satirical episodes. Further it would be exceedingly unfair to say the whole of America voted for Trump when it didn't, he won the presidency but not the popular vote and hasn't submitted himself to a psychiatric evaluation, were he to, the recommended padded room would be reinforced with more padding and more locks as the key would be thrown away and the rest of the Trumps seek therapy and real world experiences.
In Scottish there is a name for the person who goes about with an attitude of look at me and 'aren't I brilliant.' It's a Bam-Pot. Carrot top here fits this name amongst others, like idiot and cretin.
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