Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Defeat of the Tory Bribing Brexiting Disaster

In what can only be described as an epic day of politics Parliament has succeeded in defeating the
Government from bulldozing a BREXIT bill which would of made the Tories wield more power than the evil Sheriff of Nottingham Forrest. The vote was 305 for the government and 309 against. So they lost. But let us not forget the Tories had spent a wopping £1.1 billion pounds in bribes to the DUP party to ensure they had an additional 10 votes for emergencies. Of the 650 MPs in parliament it therefore looks like 36 were either sick or decided to abstain. Had the bill been successful then Tories would of been able to let anything they wanted determine the BREXIT process. Anything at all and the opposition or any other party or the general public would have absolutely no say in the matter. Therefore, now the Maybot has been temporarily decapitated, until she goes and picks up her head then welds it back on. Like a bad odour she just seems to linger on and on. Who will rid us with the pungent woman?

In turn the 12 Tory MPs who voted against the government may find they are deselected from their seats. These were 12 brave individuals who believed party politics should not be at the behest of the country and this dirty dozen have their cards marked. They will have to accept a lot of bile from their own stable mates because this government is running scared and fragile. Each and every prime minster question time they are called to step aside and give up their so unstable power which no longer rides on the popular vote. They stick together because they are in fear of losing power, they are in fear their party will be kicked out. But their record is one disaster after another and plunges the UK in an ever spiraling debt crisis. They just don't have the ability to think outside of the box on economics and making the UK great again. Look at every chancellors speech and you will see one set
of prosperous projects after another and then the result is nothing like they espoused. They say one thing but deliver something very different. Even Mays return to power speach on the steps of Downing Street have turned out to be lies. As being in word doesn't help pay and the worst of society are not better off. In fact social discord and inequality and poverty are at the highest and it's all due to the disgusting greed of the rich. Rich businesses who don't pay their taxes, rich upper classes who yet again get one tax break after another after they have filtered their monies from various different international accounts and financial instruments. They either end up paying no tax at all or managing to get additional tax relief for the goods they do purchase. In doing so they starve the NHS of cash, the emergency services of cash and our very important state schools of cash. They have become the parasites of society and no wonder their gentrification of London and the surrounding areas is making them hated beyond belief.

So why is it the Tories were defeated? Could it be something to do with the disastrous David Davis and his inability to possitively answer a question of whether there had been any impact assessment on UK business and BREXIT. He was only able to repeatedly state there was a 850 page document
printed which had a sector analysis. Unfortunately that analysis was more than lacking and the 850 pages are no more than redundant pages ready to be recycled as rough toilet paper. Repeatedly this government has dodged and dodged the bullets of enquiry. They have failed to answer reasonably asked questions and are going to make this country the worst to deal with business in the world. Constant harping on about BREXIT models which are like Canada or Norway just do one thing. Which is to emphasis it takes a decade or more to actually negotiate an out of the EU trade relationship. It simply can not be done in the time available. But the Maybot like a bull in a china shop can only work one way.

Therefore before we know it she's going to get herself broken if not kicked out of government prevented from remaining the leader. She just doesn't have it. The road to BREXIT is long, it needs to be slow steady and reasoned, not rushed into as this mentally deranged lot of blues would rather it is. For if they get their way bankruptcy and poverty is a stone's throw away.

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