The letters from home task on BB 2015 for Monday 2nd July 2015 showed a clear divide between the posh and moralists house mates and those with higher values. We saw Joel ruthlessly pick again on Sam eating her letter and

trying to justify it with a little presumptuous logic. It is funny how Joel had always included the phrase "the moral thing to do" when talking about decision but this time he chose a non moral decision. Or is it rather the way he did it, without apologising for his actions but justifying them. Whereas we saw Harry pick a red ball and break into tears because she knew someone would not get a chance to hear from home. She ate Jack's letter, and was a right decision in light of Jack previously saying it didn't matter to him if he did not get a letter. Of course Jack had made the earlier bartered money for some items, i.e. football scores and a cheap jacket and trousers. After he felt the wrath of Chloe and of other house mates he realised it was a bad decision. It was a time when it really did test Jack to see if he was true to his word and friendships were more important to him. He managed to reverse his decision which was good news.
Then we saw Nick get his letter read to him from Danny. Nick the second rich boy of the house, one who has never worked a day in his life and loves to be an internet troll. I personally could not understand why Danny chose Nick after Nick had just bought himself a finalist ticket. We saw Nick justify to Chloe why he made the decision to swap his nomination place with her. Regardless his selfishness had broken a social norm for then Harry gave Nick
her opinion on buying a ticket to the final. Quite rightly
saying if he was not good enough to get through to the final on his own merit he certainly didn't deserve to be there. Nasty Nick was on his own journey and he had to do the best for himself. Yet it is the public viewing his actions who will make a decision on him as an individual. Such behaviour we repeatedly see with Posh well to do people who think they own the world and proceed to make money by immoral means. This reminds me of Lord Freud the ex banker taking a ride in government on the backs of the Tories, he isn't even an elected MP. He certainly should not be in such a position.

BB has gotten more devious and evil as this series has worn on. However, house mates, Chloe, Danny and Harry have shown a moral compass lacking in others. Lets also not forget the easily forgettable Cristian who though not at all entertaining has spoken some wise words and shown he to is morally upstanding. Each day now as BB creeps to the final things heat up, what dilemma is going to be next, just watch this space.
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