Saturday, 26 October 2024

Trump the Facist in Waiting

Trump is a mad man. I don't mean this in a flippant way, or say it in order to be mildly humorous. He's actually mad. 

If this man comes into power, he will be used and manipulated like a mannequin. If evil could formulate the rising in flesh and blood form of the Devil, Trump would be something along those lines. If not the actual devil a direct conduit.  A mouthpiece. Pull a string here or there and it will obediently do ones will. He has been described as a man child, but is certainly more child than man. Another term is narcissist, which certainly fits. He wants to do anything he likes and not be held to account. 

 For all of his life this has mostly happened. Money is like a vaccine when it comes to jail time. So is influence. He'll never spend a day behind bars no matter how suitable he is. Instead, in a mocking way he colours his skin orange. The big tangerine, prefrontal lobe dementia suffering oaf will carry on. His medical records are kept secret, very much like his qualifications. When he does kick the bucket his family will take over. For he sees them all as one happy crime syndicate. Like his genes the one thing they all want is attention, more money, power and recognition. Narcissists and their narcissist families live for nothing else.

But if anything, his notoriety has come about through fame.  Being on TV and in the public eye gave him the power he has now.  His personality had been seen for decades, as a bigger than life on American TV show The Apprentice show. There he spoke lies of how successful he was and in his bragging won over many a follower.  They root for him, the gullible and ill educated love him, he's the imaginary success they wish they were.  They have become full-blown cult members and know very much how Trump behaves.  He identifies as one of the workers, one of the strivers, but he is not. He has never worked a real day in his life. His power has got so big, he now completely runs the Republicans. There is not a Republican politician who doesn't seek to be on the side of the tangerine. For if they fall out of favour, then they will lose their seat. The floor will collapse and every cent of their wealth will ebb away. It is like the tange has them wrapped around his little finger.  Worse still it is influential blackmail, the entire Republican Party knows this.

Are there any other Republicans left who don't kiss the feet of the Tange? Are there any who recognise this man is not a Republican? He is a con artist who has sold a truck load of snake oil. It's nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. He is a traitor to the Republicans, he is a traitor to America. Many of Trump's supporters don't really have an understanding of what a Fascist is. It's very much like most of America doesn't understand what communism and socialism is. These are words that have a bad rap. But Fascist? It's not even in their dictionary. Will they wake up? Will some of them when they get to the ballot box actually say to themselves I'll just pretend to vote Trump, but really I'm gonna vote Harris?

I came across a concept some time ago. We either all win or all lose, and I've become to think any divided peoples will be like this, losing.  Come the 5th November, it's not just America which will changed if Trump gets in. It is the whole world. As he has said as well. There will never be another election after this one. Some disturbing words. It's not going to be a game, and it certainly will be life or death for many.