In what can only be described as an epic day of politics Parliament has succeeded in defeating the
Government from bulldozing a BREXIT bill which would of made the Tories wield more power than the evil Sheriff of Nottingham Forrest. The vote was 305 for the government and 309 against. So they lost. But let us not forget the Tories had spent a wopping £1.1 billion pounds in bribes to the DUP party to ensure they had an additional 10 votes for emergencies. Of the 650 MPs in parliament it therefore looks like 36 were either sick or decided to abstain. Had the bill been successful then Tories would of been able to let anything they wanted determine the BREXIT process. Anything at all and the opposition or any other party or the general public would have absolutely no say in the matter. Therefore, now the Maybot has been temporarily decapitated, until she goes and picks up her head then welds it back on. Like a bad odour she just seems to linger on and on. Who will rid us with the pungent woman?
In turn the 12 Tory MPs who voted against the government may find they are deselected from their seats. These were 12 brave individuals who believed party politics should not be at the behest of the country and this dirty dozen have their cards marked. They will have to accept a lot of bile from their own stable mates because this government is running scared and fragile. Each and every prime minster question time they are called to step aside and give up their so unstable power which no longer rides on the popular vote. They stick together because they are in fear of losing power, they are in fear their party will be kicked out. But their record is one disaster after another and plunges the UK in an ever spiraling debt crisis. They just don't have the ability to think outside of the box on economics and making the UK great again. Look at every chancellors speech and you will see one set
of prosperous projects after another and then the result is nothing like they espoused. They say one thing but deliver something very different. Even Mays return to power speach on the steps of Downing Street have turned out to be lies. As being in word doesn't help pay and the worst of society are not better off. In fact social discord and inequality and poverty are at the highest and it's all due to the disgusting greed of the rich. Rich businesses who don't pay their taxes, rich upper classes who yet again get one tax break after another after they have filtered their monies from various different international accounts and financial instruments. They either end up paying no tax at all or managing to get additional tax relief for the goods they do purchase. In doing so they starve the NHS of cash, the emergency services of cash and our very important state schools of cash. They have become the parasites of society and no wonder their gentrification of London and the surrounding areas is making them hated beyond belief.
So why is it the Tories were defeated? Could it be something to do with the disastrous David Davis and his inability to possitively answer a question of whether there had been any impact assessment on UK business and BREXIT. He was only able to repeatedly state there was a 850 page document
printed which had a sector analysis. Unfortunately that analysis was more than lacking and the 850 pages are no more than redundant pages ready to be recycled as rough toilet paper. Repeatedly this government has dodged and dodged the bullets of enquiry. They have failed to answer reasonably asked questions and are going to make this country the worst to deal with business in the world. Constant harping on about BREXIT models which are like Canada or Norway just do one thing. Which is to emphasis it takes a decade or more to actually negotiate an out of the EU trade relationship. It simply can not be done in the time available. But the Maybot like a bull in a china shop can only work one way.
Therefore before we know it she's going to get herself broken if not kicked out of government prevented from remaining the leader. She just doesn't have it. The road to BREXIT is long, it needs to be slow steady and reasoned, not rushed into as this mentally deranged lot of blues would rather it is. For if they get their way bankruptcy and poverty is a stone's throw away.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Exhausted with Trump
I've had enough of watching any news item with Trump on it. It's like the guy is trying to steal bits of my life by imposing himself and he is so stupid so completely ignorant of the world there is nothing he can tell me which has any interest. How bad those American voters must feel now he has had more than enough time to show his true colours. To show his racism, bigotry and misogyny.
I saw an article in the news indicating leadership could be determined by body language. At which point I thought what a load of shite. I have seen men who believe they are leaders because they have powerful jobs, I have seen them walk the walk and do the talk, and with contact have learnt they were anything but leaders and not the sort of individuals I would follow to the post office let alone in any other sense. In fact, I have acted on my own determination to pass up the chance of advancement in my own job because the man I would've had to be directly responsible to I considered someone not worthy of me. I want nothing to do with him and as little contact as possible, so I intentionally failed a question at my interview pretending I didn't know the answer, when I knew the answer very well. I hate the injustice of ignorant individuals, be they managers or politicians who get in positions of power and paid mega bucks but are no more than shadows of a competent person. Yet, they still hold sway with followers who I can only think don't have the full picture and understanding. Who have not done enough of their own research to see through the tissue of lies and spoofs peddled by such ignoramuses.
Trump doesn't deserve any more fuel to inflate his weary clown like demeanour and I'll not bother a glance at what he says. He is very much the little old aunty you barely see, the one who lives on her own with a dozen cats, who has opinions of the world based on when she was 16 years old and times were very different then. Who will knowingly make a statement and believe it to be true no matter how false it really is. She'll then make a racist remark and you'll just pretend not to hear it, because it is not worth arguing with her, she wont change her spots are so indelible they are part of her very being. Such is Trump, the abnormally small handed ginger nut who should of been put into a mental institution years ago weren't it for the fact he'd bought out all the psychiatrists. So they bite their tongues and just think of their bank balance. In the meantime the little man will get shitted on.
I saw an article in the news indicating leadership could be determined by body language. At which point I thought what a load of shite. I have seen men who believe they are leaders because they have powerful jobs, I have seen them walk the walk and do the talk, and with contact have learnt they were anything but leaders and not the sort of individuals I would follow to the post office let alone in any other sense. In fact, I have acted on my own determination to pass up the chance of advancement in my own job because the man I would've had to be directly responsible to I considered someone not worthy of me. I want nothing to do with him and as little contact as possible, so I intentionally failed a question at my interview pretending I didn't know the answer, when I knew the answer very well. I hate the injustice of ignorant individuals, be they managers or politicians who get in positions of power and paid mega bucks but are no more than shadows of a competent person. Yet, they still hold sway with followers who I can only think don't have the full picture and understanding. Who have not done enough of their own research to see through the tissue of lies and spoofs peddled by such ignoramuses.
Trump doesn't deserve any more fuel to inflate his weary clown like demeanour and I'll not bother a glance at what he says. He is very much the little old aunty you barely see, the one who lives on her own with a dozen cats, who has opinions of the world based on when she was 16 years old and times were very different then. Who will knowingly make a statement and believe it to be true no matter how false it really is. She'll then make a racist remark and you'll just pretend not to hear it, because it is not worth arguing with her, she wont change her spots are so indelible they are part of her very being. Such is Trump, the abnormally small handed ginger nut who should of been put into a mental institution years ago weren't it for the fact he'd bought out all the psychiatrists. So they bite their tongues and just think of their bank balance. In the meantime the little man will get shitted on.
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Mozilla Firefox and their irritating grey folders
I use Firefox because years ago I decided not everything from Microsoft was magic. Their complete and utter monopoly of the internet and my own machines is annoying and incredibly irritating. Changing from Explorer to Firefox was not just an act of rebellion it was an act for the little man and little woman. Why should companies like the big M and google have access to all our data and know everything about us? I've even heard Facebook listens to conversations and then tailors adverts to your news feed. Apparently in testing this a user talked about cat food all day long even though they had no cat. Only to find their news feed was full of adverts for cat food. I might try this myself and see if it is true. However, now Firefox has gone the way of making an assumption about it's users and not engaging with them, it's updated to yet another version to increase speed however it has now made the drop down bookmark folers turn a boring and difficult to see grey colour.
So there is now the option of going to Chrome or trying to find a solution. This single act of changing the folder colour from yellow to grey has pissed me off. But I'm only a little fellow so Firefox probably doesn't care about the opinio of a little fellow. Yet in doing so it may find it loses it's users. I look for work arounds and check the settings to see if there is some option to change the dull flat grey back to the yellow I liked and used to see. There's nothing. I've checked a web site which has an option to load a segment of code into some part of firefox in order to change the folder colours. But this seems drastic to me and seeing as I can't read code or understand what it will do I'm apprehensive. Like the old saying, if it aint broken don't fix it. So the question is firefox why the fuck did you piss about with this small part of the interface and fuck it up?
So there is now the option of going to Chrome or trying to find a solution. This single act of changing the folder colour from yellow to grey has pissed me off. But I'm only a little fellow so Firefox probably doesn't care about the opinio of a little fellow. Yet in doing so it may find it loses it's users. I look for work arounds and check the settings to see if there is some option to change the dull flat grey back to the yellow I liked and used to see. There's nothing. I've checked a web site which has an option to load a segment of code into some part of firefox in order to change the folder colours. But this seems drastic to me and seeing as I can't read code or understand what it will do I'm apprehensive. Like the old saying, if it aint broken don't fix it. So the question is firefox why the fuck did you piss about with this small part of the interface and fuck it up?
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Caucasian but rather be stupid
In the urban areas of London there is a set of causians who speak in a different way than other Londoners. It's not becuase they happen to be Polish or Romanian or some other European, it's because they have a notion it is cool to pretend to speak in a American afro caribean ghetto like fashion. They are not black in any sense of the word, but their language is such it comes over by emphasis of the ignorant rather than the intelligent. Further to the this the world owes them a living and the world owes them a respect, even though they have done nothing in the world, except maybe in their hood. Hood meaning neighbourhood. Their view of the world is as insular as seeing existence in only the few streets from their home they are familiar with. They will likely be aware of the gangs in their hood and the crimes they are upto. Their language is to blend in so they are like those around them and reflecting ignorance whenever they can. For they do not want to stand out as different but at the same time they don't want to stand out as individuals who have a vision of breaking the shackles of their hood and getting out in the world. They know what they know and it's primarily about the small pond of life they inhabit. In so doing they dwell in this atmosphere and can not see beyond the either the physical boundaries of their streets or the mental cages in which they are imprisoned. In adopting this projecting of who they are, they become this downtrodden image of the new common urban being. Hiding the true face of theirself.
Some have a camelion like trait to them. Such an example would of been the early start to Adele as she started to get known as a beautiful singer. I recall an interview with her on day time TV from those early days, she had been asked to do a song and then there was two or three minutes of chat. She had this same language about her, she spoke as though she had been brought up in a mixed racial neighbourhood and she didn't want to offend anyone and just wanted to say in so many words 'I am just an ignorant singer' and 'I come from the hood.' Of course over the years her wealth and popularity took her far away from the hood she was part of and indeed we know she is married to a very well spoken man. She's also completely dropped any whisp of that ignorant accent she carried.
To older generations like myself, when I hear this language it feels these persons are being traitors to the culture they are inherently part of. It's mostly the young who act this way. But as time goes on even they young age and the younger take over with yet more different lanugage and words to seperate their identity to the rest. You can only be hip for so long, when the clock expires you become very much unhip. And then look stupid.
Some have a camelion like trait to them. Such an example would of been the early start to Adele as she started to get known as a beautiful singer. I recall an interview with her on day time TV from those early days, she had been asked to do a song and then there was two or three minutes of chat. She had this same language about her, she spoke as though she had been brought up in a mixed racial neighbourhood and she didn't want to offend anyone and just wanted to say in so many words 'I am just an ignorant singer' and 'I come from the hood.' Of course over the years her wealth and popularity took her far away from the hood she was part of and indeed we know she is married to a very well spoken man. She's also completely dropped any whisp of that ignorant accent she carried.
To older generations like myself, when I hear this language it feels these persons are being traitors to the culture they are inherently part of. It's mostly the young who act this way. But as time goes on even they young age and the younger take over with yet more different lanugage and words to seperate their identity to the rest. You can only be hip for so long, when the clock expires you become very much unhip. And then look stupid.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
What is the answer to motorcycle bandits?
London has been suffering an ever-increasing crime wave of motorcycle bandits. Their operating mode has varied, from the stealing of mobile phones, other motorcycles and raids on jewelers to the physical assault of pedestrians. Policing wise it seems there is very little active pursuit and action. The reason we are told is it is more dangerous to put life at risk speeding after these theives. Just in case a thief is seriously injured or worse still a pedestrian. So they get away in most part in what can only be considered a successful criminal career move Yet today the news broadcasts indicate a gang of these people were caught and sentenced to justice. The remarkable fact was they were all in their late teens and male. The thrill of being chased, doing something risky and the speed of a motorcycle are the perfect allure to the simple minded just out to make a buck.
Solutions are in fact very thin on the ground. The courts could come down heavy on these criminals with mandatory sentences, but to a teenage the concept of doing the time doesn't come into it when the thrill of a chase is on, when adrenaline is pumping and a few quid will end up in their pocket. Perhaps there is a technological response, maybe there is also an uninvented defensive weapon just waiting to be put into production which stops motorcycles? Maybe there isn't?
Solutions are in fact very thin on the ground. The courts could come down heavy on these criminals with mandatory sentences, but to a teenage the concept of doing the time doesn't come into it when the thrill of a chase is on, when adrenaline is pumping and a few quid will end up in their pocket. Perhaps there is a technological response, maybe there is also an uninvented defensive weapon just waiting to be put into production which stops motorcycles? Maybe there isn't?
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Trump an Embarrassment
There must be many American's alive who would turn in their grave were they dead in acquiescence of the USA now having the worst and most incompetent leader of the world. Or perhaps not, if North Korea's leader is thrown into the pot. The two though do have a common characteristic, which comes across as individuals with a childlike emotional intelligence. The word intelligence also probably being something rarely spoken about in their respective political circles. In yet another news article where Trump was interviewed by Time magazine and as usual avoided answering any questions about his own fake news he retorts to the journalist he must be doing well because he is the president and you're not. This really is behaviour of someone with subnormal mental abilities and the sort of thing a child would say. I can't help but shake my head repeatedly as the disastrous presidency continuous and the same question comes out, how can a moron like this be president and allowed to continue to get away with what he says? However, maybe some heads of state tell it like it is.
When Angela Merkel and Trump sat in a chairs in front of photographers, Trump had his demeanour stooped and a look on his face like he had just been severely reprimanded by his favourite aunty. In short, he could of burst out into tears at any moment. For a while it seemed Trump had other things on his mind and wasn't even thinking about the fact he was now being photographed for the international press with the head of the most powerful European country sat next to him. A country which is not running at a deficit and one which does not adhere to policies of putting up boarders and alienating refugees who flee death in their own country.When Angela asked him if he'd like to shake hands for the cameras she was snubbed. It was awkward to say the least. The entire media heard her ask the question, it was recorded on live TV but Trump sat there dour faced and doing nothing. The alternative is he didn't actually hear Angela, possible because he was doing what men normally do when they are sexist misogynists, pretend they didn't hear it. Trump is the representative of all of America and this is how he acts. Again. Why is this man allowed to continue?
Trumps allegations of wire tapping have now rebounded back in his face as Britain's intelligent services have retorted he has lost the plot, and he has. This is probably because Trump is a conspiracy theorist, who only listens to the nefarious right wing news outlet known as Fox News. Which really shouldn't be allowed to call itself a news broadcaster as it is more of a far right wing supremacist organization. However, Trump doesn't mind for their word is like the word of his own fictitious god, by the way his is an atheist in disguise, you can tell because he doesn't know any hymns.
The wire tap claim just really cemented Trump as a conspiracy nut, as with all his fake news there was no evidence. Unless you count the moment when he says he was just repeating what was said on a Fox News program. This bogus item came from a lawyer it did not come from any of the US intelligence agencies and they have been a pains to stress there is no such evidence. It's funny though, those around Trump must support him and vindicate what he says, after all they want to stay in power as long as possible and justify their wages. However, the likes of Spicer giving press conferences is short of a couple of things, well maybe more than a couple. For in reality Spicer comes across as a clown, he really does need to get a red nose, big shoes, some make-up and a clown suit. His press conferences would perhaps be more factual, because at the moment the suit he does wear makes him look out of place. And it is important in politics to look in place. Maybe, he and Trump go to the same tailor and the clown suits have just been lost, or maybe the circus in town has can't afford a clown act when the national clown act is doing so well.
The thing with people like Trump, is there always comes a time when they do something so stupid even their own supporters can not support them any more. The meals on wheels fiasco has now seen a number of his voters drop their heads in shame and wish they had stayed at home. It is only a matter of time when other Republicans of a higher ilk will start to counter plot against their idiot leader. It will happen. At which point I wonder if Trump will set contracts on them or just use a anti aircraft gun to complete their execution. No doubt he follows the highlights of what North Korea does to their traitors. When in fact the most traitorous person is the one who doesn't represent his own country and his own peoples. The one who looks after himself not giving a shit about the rest of society. I wonder who I could be thinking about? Damn where did I leave that golf club?
One day Trump will not be on TV, lets hope this isn't after he has contributed to the destruction of the planet and world war 3. How long is he going to continue? Now anyone's guess is valid, the sooner he is kicked out of office the less embarrassment the USA will continue to endure.
When Angela Merkel and Trump sat in a chairs in front of photographers, Trump had his demeanour stooped and a look on his face like he had just been severely reprimanded by his favourite aunty. In short, he could of burst out into tears at any moment. For a while it seemed Trump had other things on his mind and wasn't even thinking about the fact he was now being photographed for the international press with the head of the most powerful European country sat next to him. A country which is not running at a deficit and one which does not adhere to policies of putting up boarders and alienating refugees who flee death in their own country.When Angela asked him if he'd like to shake hands for the cameras she was snubbed. It was awkward to say the least. The entire media heard her ask the question, it was recorded on live TV but Trump sat there dour faced and doing nothing. The alternative is he didn't actually hear Angela, possible because he was doing what men normally do when they are sexist misogynists, pretend they didn't hear it. Trump is the representative of all of America and this is how he acts. Again. Why is this man allowed to continue?
Trumps allegations of wire tapping have now rebounded back in his face as Britain's intelligent services have retorted he has lost the plot, and he has. This is probably because Trump is a conspiracy theorist, who only listens to the nefarious right wing news outlet known as Fox News. Which really shouldn't be allowed to call itself a news broadcaster as it is more of a far right wing supremacist organization. However, Trump doesn't mind for their word is like the word of his own fictitious god, by the way his is an atheist in disguise, you can tell because he doesn't know any hymns.
The wire tap claim just really cemented Trump as a conspiracy nut, as with all his fake news there was no evidence. Unless you count the moment when he says he was just repeating what was said on a Fox News program. This bogus item came from a lawyer it did not come from any of the US intelligence agencies and they have been a pains to stress there is no such evidence. It's funny though, those around Trump must support him and vindicate what he says, after all they want to stay in power as long as possible and justify their wages. However, the likes of Spicer giving press conferences is short of a couple of things, well maybe more than a couple. For in reality Spicer comes across as a clown, he really does need to get a red nose, big shoes, some make-up and a clown suit. His press conferences would perhaps be more factual, because at the moment the suit he does wear makes him look out of place. And it is important in politics to look in place. Maybe, he and Trump go to the same tailor and the clown suits have just been lost, or maybe the circus in town has can't afford a clown act when the national clown act is doing so well.
The thing with people like Trump, is there always comes a time when they do something so stupid even their own supporters can not support them any more. The meals on wheels fiasco has now seen a number of his voters drop their heads in shame and wish they had stayed at home. It is only a matter of time when other Republicans of a higher ilk will start to counter plot against their idiot leader. It will happen. At which point I wonder if Trump will set contracts on them or just use a anti aircraft gun to complete their execution. No doubt he follows the highlights of what North Korea does to their traitors. When in fact the most traitorous person is the one who doesn't represent his own country and his own peoples. The one who looks after himself not giving a shit about the rest of society. I wonder who I could be thinking about? Damn where did I leave that golf club?
One day Trump will not be on TV, lets hope this isn't after he has contributed to the destruction of the planet and world war 3. How long is he going to continue? Now anyone's guess is valid, the sooner he is kicked out of office the less embarrassment the USA will continue to endure.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Phone Tapping - Trump fake news
The merry-go-round of entertainment continues as the ongong worse
American President in history continues to disseminate lies and his own
brand of fake news in order to appease his own battered ego. This could
be a narrative of Kim Jon-ung ruler of North Korea however it's not
although both he and Donald Dicky Duck Dump Trump might of well come
from the same genetic line were it not they were born on different
continents. It's probably certain if Donald's grandmother hadn't gone
to America then Donald would of never been born or had he been born, it
might of been in the depths of
Glasgow, where his inherent ginger locks would of made him fair game. If he acted there the way he acts today he'd no doubt of been stabbed a few times and served time in prison, for his behaviour would not of been tolerated. Unlike Jong-Uug the Trump doesn't have access to VX nerve agent because he would no doubt of gotten rid of Obama for one followed by every free thinking and democratic supporting news media. One thing's for sure Donald's personal vendetta list must get longer by the day.
Recently Donald has accused Obama of having enforced phone tapping of Trump Tower. Funny thing is were this true then Donald would not of won the election. But it doesn't matter, the bottom line is probably to do with Obama having a bigger crowd at his inauguration, see the latest picture released
by the National Park Service at Trump's very own request. The result suggests he has just slapped a custard pie in his own face. Trump is simply jealous, the phone tapping saga is a revenge tactic of invent and retrospective poison. This preoccupation with Obama is no doubt time consuming and a good method of side stepping the real decision a proper president would be undertaking. Like I guess how the hell is he going to deport all the Mexicans? And pay for it. The thing is the FBI's head of service Jim Coney public states such a thing could not happen and did not happen. It is clear from Trump's preference of the Tweet media he likes to throw out his own conspiracy theories and accusations which amount to lies.
The legislative checks and balances of American government changed after the Nixon debacle, future presidents would not have the power to order a phone line tap of any kind. This can only be done by a specialised surveillance court not a president. The real concern of this however, is were such a wire tap actually taken place it would of been with strong enough evidence to influence the court some kind of illegal deed was taking place. I might hazard a guess but collaborating with Putin might well be the sort of thing Trump would do. Therefore in a way Trump is saying "I am a crook, I know,
because my phone was tapped." He may well be a crook, but the blatant ignorance of law and government working only again underlines Trump is not a clever man, in fact, clever is probably a word not in his dictionary. He may be an entertainer given his success on the Apprentice, but he's not the man you want who holds the nuclear football, as Hillary said. Trump seems to be in a complete and separate world of his own when it comes to reality, which suggests he either has his own mental illness or he has a mental illness other than an intellectual deficit.
The unfortunate and sad thing about this man is although his actions are farcical (and every day brings with it more deranged behaviour) at some point they will no longer be farcical but become both tyrannical and tragic. Very much in the same fashion as Jong-ung, only at this point will those electors who voted him show a little insight and realise what they did was to give more power to corporate America and desecrate their own democratic systems.
Glasgow, where his inherent ginger locks would of made him fair game. If he acted there the way he acts today he'd no doubt of been stabbed a few times and served time in prison, for his behaviour would not of been tolerated. Unlike Jong-Uug the Trump doesn't have access to VX nerve agent because he would no doubt of gotten rid of Obama for one followed by every free thinking and democratic supporting news media. One thing's for sure Donald's personal vendetta list must get longer by the day.
Recently Donald has accused Obama of having enforced phone tapping of Trump Tower. Funny thing is were this true then Donald would not of won the election. But it doesn't matter, the bottom line is probably to do with Obama having a bigger crowd at his inauguration, see the latest picture released
by the National Park Service at Trump's very own request. The result suggests he has just slapped a custard pie in his own face. Trump is simply jealous, the phone tapping saga is a revenge tactic of invent and retrospective poison. This preoccupation with Obama is no doubt time consuming and a good method of side stepping the real decision a proper president would be undertaking. Like I guess how the hell is he going to deport all the Mexicans? And pay for it. The thing is the FBI's head of service Jim Coney public states such a thing could not happen and did not happen. It is clear from Trump's preference of the Tweet media he likes to throw out his own conspiracy theories and accusations which amount to lies.
The legislative checks and balances of American government changed after the Nixon debacle, future presidents would not have the power to order a phone line tap of any kind. This can only be done by a specialised surveillance court not a president. The real concern of this however, is were such a wire tap actually taken place it would of been with strong enough evidence to influence the court some kind of illegal deed was taking place. I might hazard a guess but collaborating with Putin might well be the sort of thing Trump would do. Therefore in a way Trump is saying "I am a crook, I know,
because my phone was tapped." He may well be a crook, but the blatant ignorance of law and government working only again underlines Trump is not a clever man, in fact, clever is probably a word not in his dictionary. He may be an entertainer given his success on the Apprentice, but he's not the man you want who holds the nuclear football, as Hillary said. Trump seems to be in a complete and separate world of his own when it comes to reality, which suggests he either has his own mental illness or he has a mental illness other than an intellectual deficit.
The unfortunate and sad thing about this man is although his actions are farcical (and every day brings with it more deranged behaviour) at some point they will no longer be farcical but become both tyrannical and tragic. Very much in the same fashion as Jong-ung, only at this point will those electors who voted him show a little insight and realise what they did was to give more power to corporate America and desecrate their own democratic systems.
Saturday, 25 February 2017
The Copeland disaster for Corbyn
The problem with Corbyn is not actually Corbyn at all, it's the rest of the world. Lets face it he's had little to no support from the media and has been fighting a continual battle with his own MPs. Corbyn is by no doubt a true socialist and a true working class advocate as well as advocate for those who are not in work, however the voters no longer side their political belief system to their actual circumstances it is like they have lost the thread and make their own choice decisions. It goes to say
when there is a reaction it doesn't mean there will always be a reaction. Unless you happen to be an MP born in the wrong era, who has become disconnected not with your core supporters but with the public in general. The truth be said, Corbyn is too honest for his own good he does not practice the dark art of wearing a sheep skin misdirection and double speak in order to act the way he wants to act. He is transparent, obvious and to this extent has lost the political football. Like John Prescott would never of been a Prime Minister, Corbyn is the same, I'd have him in my cabinet but he'd never be in the driving seat.

In order to be a politician it is necessary to implement the dark art of spin. The success of any government gaining power has been by their ability to say one thing but do another. Corbyn's straight talking is a clear sign of his unwavering concrete socialist views, unfortunately the world is not black and white it is many shades of grey. An example can be seen in Trumps inauguration speech, when this was being aired it was surprising how much he said was clearly socialist in sound but at the same time it is just as clear this man is a Republican. Perhaps voters are not politically savvy, perhaps they don't understand nearly every politician wears a sheeps skin. Corbyn doesn't and this is a problem. You can't win an election unless you can persuade voters from all parties to vote for you, effectively stealing votes.. The sad thing is voters no longer identify with any specific party, the middle ground is bigger than it has ever been and the need to court the media is imperative. Fact, sometimes you must shake hands with the Devil whether you like it or not. And Jeremy Corbyn just will not.

If Corbyn can't adapt and change to the voter climate he will not lead Labour to a win and if he has no self insight it is the country he must represent not just his core socialist voters he would step down. I don't like saying this and hate myself, but it has been way too long now and the loss of Copeland is the last sign for me.
Friday, 24 February 2017
When the boss isn't any good, what do you do?
There have been many times when I have thought I'd be a better boss than my own boss, which is probably one of the reasons I moved into middle management. And being a persistent bastard who just kept going for every single job internally advertised. It's a fact the more interviews you do the better you get at them and combat interview performance anxiety. However, passing an interview and doing the actual job are very different things. Further to this, you can guarantee in some organisations old adages tend to be persistent and true. The phrase "dead man's shoes" comes to mind. So it is, bosses who manage to get promoted and climb the ladder and then stay sat in their post for decades on end, may well of done great or enough to pass the interview, but as the years pass their poor decisions have likely had an ever mounting cumulative expense that climbs ever upwards.
My boss is a woman, I have no problem with this, she has been doing her job at least 25 years perhaps even 30 years, she has not moved into any other position other than the one she occupies now. Although her title may have changed and inevitably the job has changed as new working practices and IT have developed, yet she is still there. She is good at some things but catastrophic in others. Her ability to communicate and have the soft touch with staff on a one to one basis is above average and she has a sense of humour which is good. However, she is a poor decision maker in many other respects which has cost efficiency, time, work and a great deal of money. In an example, yesterday I attended a meeting with her and three other managers. She had to raise a certain issue which another department of three different managers needed to be aware of. The meeting took one hour and during this time non of us did any work. She sat and did most of the talking and I spoke just once or twice. However the bottom line to this meeting was only two people needed to attend and it should not of been any longer than twenty minutes at most. Given her poor decision making ability and propensity to chat it seems an awful lot of expense is lost from either obstructive choices or wasted time. Which of course has never really been examined because if it was she would no longer be still sat in her chair.
My boss's boss has also been sat in his chair the same amount of time and together they have worked all these years. He comes across as someone who doesn't go out of his way to work more than he has to work. He will let his closest managers, the senior management team do the hard graft and ride the crest of a wave. He clocks in at a specific time and goes at a specific time. He keeps an eye on finances. Due to this penny pinching trait the division is not in the best of positions. At a skeleton staff and the bones are so bare the lost or absence of any employee has a deeply bad affect on those who are left. His great plan is to allow the slow drip loss of employees and never replace them. For this probably means praise by the director of the company. When he talks of the organisation's ever improving performance in the back of my mind I want to shout liar. When I asked him directly if he expected one person to do two person's job during an job interview (and the person who left was a talented workaholic) his reply was to say he expected the new appointee to be even better. It is like he says things to save face and would not in any circumstances confess or agree to any kind of failure. Perhaps he feels he must put on a brave face and try to impress everyone because of his pay grade, which is even more than an MP. I purposely threw the interview and knew I didn't want to work directly for him and this characteristic is about hiding the truth and self importance more than any thing else.
So this still leaves me in the middle management job I do very well. At the same time knowing I am better than those who are sat above me. Knowing as and when I lose staff I am responsible for doing my best to work with what I have left even when those remaining staff members are complaining about work levels. I have always hated the fact someone else has got there before me, or I have been judged because I didn't achieve the exams grades society expected. Through my determination of self education I've reached this point here and yet I can't help still being frustrated at those who manage me for being not as good as I am, for not putting in the hours as I do, for not having the same work ethic or abilities.
In the end, the only person I need to prove myself to is myself. But I know one thing, I'm not going to overtly go out of my way to help the bosses upstairs and be their sycophant. I have witnessed this behaviour in other managers my own grade. So I practice the soft art of keeping stoom.
My boss is a woman, I have no problem with this, she has been doing her job at least 25 years perhaps even 30 years, she has not moved into any other position other than the one she occupies now. Although her title may have changed and inevitably the job has changed as new working practices and IT have developed, yet she is still there. She is good at some things but catastrophic in others. Her ability to communicate and have the soft touch with staff on a one to one basis is above average and she has a sense of humour which is good. However, she is a poor decision maker in many other respects which has cost efficiency, time, work and a great deal of money. In an example, yesterday I attended a meeting with her and three other managers. She had to raise a certain issue which another department of three different managers needed to be aware of. The meeting took one hour and during this time non of us did any work. She sat and did most of the talking and I spoke just once or twice. However the bottom line to this meeting was only two people needed to attend and it should not of been any longer than twenty minutes at most. Given her poor decision making ability and propensity to chat it seems an awful lot of expense is lost from either obstructive choices or wasted time. Which of course has never really been examined because if it was she would no longer be still sat in her chair.
My boss's boss has also been sat in his chair the same amount of time and together they have worked all these years. He comes across as someone who doesn't go out of his way to work more than he has to work. He will let his closest managers, the senior management team do the hard graft and ride the crest of a wave. He clocks in at a specific time and goes at a specific time. He keeps an eye on finances. Due to this penny pinching trait the division is not in the best of positions. At a skeleton staff and the bones are so bare the lost or absence of any employee has a deeply bad affect on those who are left. His great plan is to allow the slow drip loss of employees and never replace them. For this probably means praise by the director of the company. When he talks of the organisation's ever improving performance in the back of my mind I want to shout liar. When I asked him directly if he expected one person to do two person's job during an job interview (and the person who left was a talented workaholic) his reply was to say he expected the new appointee to be even better. It is like he says things to save face and would not in any circumstances confess or agree to any kind of failure. Perhaps he feels he must put on a brave face and try to impress everyone because of his pay grade, which is even more than an MP. I purposely threw the interview and knew I didn't want to work directly for him and this characteristic is about hiding the truth and self importance more than any thing else.
So this still leaves me in the middle management job I do very well. At the same time knowing I am better than those who are sat above me. Knowing as and when I lose staff I am responsible for doing my best to work with what I have left even when those remaining staff members are complaining about work levels. I have always hated the fact someone else has got there before me, or I have been judged because I didn't achieve the exams grades society expected. Through my determination of self education I've reached this point here and yet I can't help still being frustrated at those who manage me for being not as good as I am, for not putting in the hours as I do, for not having the same work ethic or abilities.
In the end, the only person I need to prove myself to is myself. But I know one thing, I'm not going to overtly go out of my way to help the bosses upstairs and be their sycophant. I have witnessed this behaviour in other managers my own grade. So I practice the soft art of keeping stoom.
Saturday, 18 February 2017
A president without presidential behaviour
Donald (Duck) Trump took a press conference on his own, on Thursday 16.02.17. and he let his dislike of the media be known. His conference sounded like a man who was bitter at being misrepresented, yet at the same time had no self recognition of his own misrepresentation of facts. He he has no self insight into what his actions may well do to himself let alone to others. I am not an American so my opinion may be considered less worthy, but it is a shame because I am a lover of politics and probably know more about American politics than some of those very people who live and breath in that country. Further I do have an opinion and don't think the car crash Trump presidency is one which just affects America. It affects the planet, the world and certainly the UK as well. Therefore I will give my viewpoint and stand by the opinion his term will not last and can not last a full six months
I ask however, why does Trump take a news conference on his own when the scrutiny and spotlight should mean he fact checks everything he says and gets it right. The answer is likely because he loves attention and self advertisement. Or he believes his job is at threat and it is in a defensive stance, by re-asserting what he has done he appeases the hardest of Republican supporters and Trump supporters alike doing everything he can to justify himself.
What is obvious from the news conference is Trump likes the sound of his
own voice, he likes to interrupt overly long questions and not give the
questioner any more time than necessary. Particularly if the
question is talking too long. Trump gets bored to listening
to someone else so talks over them, and converts an answer to suit his self. Simply he doesn't answer the question. In
may well be an element of his narcissistic behaviour kicking back in.
What Trump doesn't understand and will probably never understand, the mark of any good leader is the ability to answer the most difficult questions not the easy ones, and those difficult questions will come from sources unsympathetic to your own cause. A truthful and well thought out response is then recognised by all who hear it.
I ask however, why does Trump take a news conference on his own when the scrutiny and spotlight should mean he fact checks everything he says and gets it right. The answer is likely because he loves attention and self advertisement. Or he believes his job is at threat and it is in a defensive stance, by re-asserting what he has done he appeases the hardest of Republican supporters and Trump supporters alike doing everything he can to justify himself.
- The constant jibbing of his predecessors poor governance. There is no surprise in this tactic, it seems to be a common one used by those in power until there becomes a time when it is so old in the tooth it is no longer applicable. But in Trump's case there is a certain delight in damning the last US President and the mess the US was in. The thing is, the US still is in a mess and as each day continues with Trump as president there may well be a bigger mess at the end of his autocracy.
- The repeal of Obamacare, is a blatant defiance of the Democrats as Trump states they are not Republican supporters. This is not an answer, this is a man attacking the healthcare of poorer Americans because they don't support him, there is no compassion he simply does not care for this healthcare plan and considers it is too expensive. However, in tarring all those with the same brush he also hasn't considered whether a proportion of those same Obamacare recipients are actually Republican voters, for in my experience there will likely be. The thing with this healthcare it was neutral to politics and political persuasion, non of the applications requested details of who the recipients voted for.
- In another attack Trump chastises Hillary Clinton on giving away 20 per cent of American uranium and states Hillary had a reset of the plastic button. I had to google this point as it sounds a particularly vindictive statement and probably one which would be a national security threat. So in a reasoned question would any American government give away 20 percent of it's Uranium to any other country? The answer has to be no, surely not. The answer given by by is:
- The mines, mills, and land the company holds in the US account for 20 percent of the US’s uranium production capacity, not actual produced uranium.
- The State Department was one of nine federal agencies and a number of additional independent federal and state regulators that signed off on the deal.
- President Obama, not Secretary Clinton, was the only person who could’ve vetoed the deal.
- Since Russia doesn’t have the legal right to export uranium out of the US, its main goal was likely to gain access to the company’s uranium assets in Kazakhstan.
- Crucially, the main national security concern was not about nuclear weapons proliferation, as Trump suggests, but actually ensuring the US doesn’t have to depend too much on uranium sources from abroad, as the US only makes about 20 percent of the uranium it needs. An advantage in making nuclear weapons wasn’t the main issue because, as PolitiFact notes, “the United States and Russia had for years cooperated on that front, with Russia sending enriched fuel from decommissioned warheads to be used in American nuclear power plants in return for raw uranium.”
- Other countries have been taking and advantage of the US for decades. And Trump has repealed the transatlantic trade agreements, which by the way would of led to a great advantage to American companies for it allowed them to sue governments when they failed to win contracts due to those governments own laws. For example an American tobacco company could sue a government which had laws against tobacco advertising or tobacco logos which may have prevented the company from getting a foothold. Such as happened in Australia.
- Repeatedly Trump indicates he gets his news from TV, and no doubt the most informative TV will be the staunchly Republican, Fox News. Yet in the same instance Trump chastises CNN and says CNN spout out hatred of him. Trump is taking this pretty personally and it's evident during the news conference he does not have the capacity to see there should be different sides to any news story as there are many different truths/perceptions.
- Flynn was doing his job and Trump has no interest in Russia. Trump likes Putin because he phoned him and congratulated him on gaining office. Trump considers the whole Russian thing as a ruse and more than this believes the belligerent attitude of news companies against him are doing their best to make it more difficult to make deals with Russia. Trump's intention is clear, he wants to do some kind of deal with Russia and he refuses to be pulled into debate about Russian aggression against American defences. Trump effectively has rose tinted glasses when it comes to Russia.
- The news is fake. So much of the news is fake. He then goes on to say how he hates fake news yet the biggest generator of fake news especially from the White House is the spurious opinion which comes straight out of his own mouth. Trump was challenged in this saying his calling it fake news was disrespecting the reporters and the news. What Trump doesn't understand is the networks decide what their own news is and what takes precedents not what he thinks.
- The chastising of the news media for leaks from the White House. News which Trump considers to by highly classified. However, what Trump consider is he can not prevent other world leaders from leaking the conversations he's had with them. This will get back to the US no matter what. Additionally, when Trump has had conversations which verge on the illegal and immoral it is these he does not want the media reporting on, because they give him bad publicity. A reporter says the leaks are real but the news is fake referring to how Trump perceives news. Trump doesn't back away from still calling it fake news. This is the kettle calling the pot black, in the instance of Hillary giving away American Uranium and it been clearly misleading, this is a prime example of Trump fake news.
- Funnily enough Trump does not like to be interrupted, when taking a question about anti-Semitism he takes it as an affront and tells the correspondent to "shut-up" for Trump will not answer any more. In the meantime any correspondent who comes forth with an easy and sympathetic question he will say it was a "nice question" and gladly answer it. Usually it's because it was an easy question and didn't require him to think. For of all the things in the world, thinking is something Trump doesn't like to do for himself.

What Trump doesn't understand and will probably never understand, the mark of any good leader is the ability to answer the most difficult questions not the easy ones, and those difficult questions will come from sources unsympathetic to your own cause. A truthful and well thought out response is then recognised by all who hear it.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Arrogant arsehole Donald Duck Trump.
If there is one witless moronic and arrogant arsehole it has to be Donald Trump. There is little doubt in my mind this man has been raised from a position of privilege all his life but more than this he has never needed to mentally apply himself and his a weak individual. There must be more people out there than just myself who see his behaviour and find it hits a prehistorical emotional point. One of complete dislike and to the point of wanting to do physical damage to him.
For his poorly applied tanning spray and his down-the-nose look on everybody, strutting chin of self importance and robotic physical movements all point to someone who is sadly so full of himself he should be locked in a padded room and never given access to a mirror. Not to mention allowed near a woman, ever again.
Only a moron would think he can accuse all the media of being bias, well all the media which doesn't see or accept his unproven unevidenced points of view. It is known he avoids taking questions from the liberal press because they are too probing and accusatory. Questions which would make him uncomfortable to answer, because he just simply doesn't have any answer and they do not accept the bullshit which comes out of his mouth.
Lets take for instance the recent loss of Michael Flynn, US national security advisor. It is known Flynn had spoken to the Russians and assured them sanctions would be moved. However, he had done this in the capacity of a private citizen before Trump was president. Michael Moore has said it is unlikely anything Flynn did was done without Trump's knowledge. When considered this makes sense. Trump has echoed his liking of Putin as a strong leader and business man, probably because he thinks Putin is like him, a man who is self-made (although Trump never is self-made) and a man who is rich both in wealth and power. So it is exceedingly plausible this thought is true, it just makes sense. Just as it makes absolute sense Flynn fell on his own sword, he simply had not choice in the matter. If he didn't then it may well of resulted in Trump immediately being impeached or the heavy weight of the need for truth being centred on him. As it is he is already under a lot of suspicion and no doubt there are a number of unhappy Republican senators with Trump. He stands up and talks like a moron using such words as if he is speaking to a school of primary children or even nursery children. His language must be seeking the naive and uneducated Republican masses, the very masses who believe the world centres only around America and no one else. Trump says the right things to his core highly right wing people, but not just those ones as well, he has touched the sentiment of those electors who are fed up with politics. Yet how can these voters justify voting for someone as self-centred and narcissistic as Donald Duck Trump? Their sense and sensibilities must be getting trailed each and every day. When there is so much media evidence this man should not be allowed to control an ice cream stall let alone a country his presidency can not be sustained. For each day of each week which goes past sees yet another dilemma as he does his best to show he is king of the world and doesn't give a shit.
Now is the time for the media and the press to step up and put the highest level of scrutiny on the highest office in the world, every second and every hour of every day.
For his poorly applied tanning spray and his down-the-nose look on everybody, strutting chin of self importance and robotic physical movements all point to someone who is sadly so full of himself he should be locked in a padded room and never given access to a mirror. Not to mention allowed near a woman, ever again.
Only a moron would think he can accuse all the media of being bias, well all the media which doesn't see or accept his unproven unevidenced points of view. It is known he avoids taking questions from the liberal press because they are too probing and accusatory. Questions which would make him uncomfortable to answer, because he just simply doesn't have any answer and they do not accept the bullshit which comes out of his mouth.
Lets take for instance the recent loss of Michael Flynn, US national security advisor. It is known Flynn had spoken to the Russians and assured them sanctions would be moved. However, he had done this in the capacity of a private citizen before Trump was president. Michael Moore has said it is unlikely anything Flynn did was done without Trump's knowledge. When considered this makes sense. Trump has echoed his liking of Putin as a strong leader and business man, probably because he thinks Putin is like him, a man who is self-made (although Trump never is self-made) and a man who is rich both in wealth and power. So it is exceedingly plausible this thought is true, it just makes sense. Just as it makes absolute sense Flynn fell on his own sword, he simply had not choice in the matter. If he didn't then it may well of resulted in Trump immediately being impeached or the heavy weight of the need for truth being centred on him. As it is he is already under a lot of suspicion and no doubt there are a number of unhappy Republican senators with Trump. He stands up and talks like a moron using such words as if he is speaking to a school of primary children or even nursery children. His language must be seeking the naive and uneducated Republican masses, the very masses who believe the world centres only around America and no one else. Trump says the right things to his core highly right wing people, but not just those ones as well, he has touched the sentiment of those electors who are fed up with politics. Yet how can these voters justify voting for someone as self-centred and narcissistic as Donald Duck Trump? Their sense and sensibilities must be getting trailed each and every day. When there is so much media evidence this man should not be allowed to control an ice cream stall let alone a country his presidency can not be sustained. For each day of each week which goes past sees yet another dilemma as he does his best to show he is king of the world and doesn't give a shit.
Now is the time for the media and the press to step up and put the highest level of scrutiny on the highest office in the world, every second and every hour of every day.
Friday, 10 February 2017
Trump can't read
Well the latest theory to hit the headlines is Trump cannot read. Yep, the President of the greatest (allegedly) country in the world doesn't know his ABC and has never read a book. How many republicans are turning in disgust they have voted into office an illiterate ignoramus? In fact it is so serious it is funny and not funny at the same time. While Russia plays high level chess in it's arms alliance with Syria there is Trump getting all his news from watching TV. It is assured he also doesn't have critical thinking skills and has also never read a report in his life. This reminds me a little of Phillip Green the barrow boy who scammed Woolworth employees of the pension fund and let the company go bust. What they both have is enough money to buy people who can read reports then tell them what they want to know. Of course there is nothing Trump doesn't know in his little mind, in reality he's as thick as they come and holds the lives of every American in his small hands. This would be a great time to believe in a non existent spiritual entity, like Santa Claws or the tooth fairy because America you are going to need every bit of help you can get.
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Trump - not in his right mind
There was more than just a shiver when Trump got elected president. It is nothing to do with his inability to spell, but rather with his unofficially diagnosed malignant narcissism. Something which has been in and out of the papers constantly during his first and second weeks of office. But in reality it does not take much think here is a person who is not right in the head. The obnoxious way in which
he walked to the inauguration ceremony was sickening. It was the body language of someone incredibly smug with themselves, someone who had little in the way of self dignity. If such a person were just walking along the street like this he'd be open to getting assaulted. It was slimy, and again his actions were mirrored yet again in the sickening display of his first dance with the first lady. In this case her body language was of a woman who had been coerced to dance with the most disgusting man in the world. All I could think is Melania (third wife by the way) must of been on drugs the night she conceived, or hypnotised. Or perhaps Donald or Donny as those close to him like to call him. Donny, so it is said has a large stash of rohypnol under the bed, that's how he does it. The second impression I get is she's a gold digger and had hit the jackpot, it stands to reason a beautiful woman who came from Slovenia a poverty stricken country. She's ironically an immigrant to the USA who has gained citizenship only after ten years, and by chance marriage to an orange celebrity who is so tight he probably applies his own fake sun tan cream. In fact it is doubly ironic because everything about Trump's heritage is foreign, he might of been born in the good old US of A, but his mother was Scottish and his father German. His personal family history isn't American, it is European, he was born in America which is as far as it goes. How can a man with so little in the way of being actually American tell real fellow American's they need to keep the foreigners out. He is less American than 99.99 percent of actual American's.
Donny doesn't act like a president. It's one of the most obvious things about him. He acts more like a spoilt thug brought up in the slums who has made it big and everybody around him must genuflect. He has an element of histrionics about his behaviour as well. The juvenile habit of using social media to disrespect other people and to publicly rant and rage is of someone who doesn't care about being judged by those people around him. His personal wealth has meant there has never been a need to curb his behaviour. Unfortunately it has also meant he's had no time for self reflection on his behaviour. For him it is number one who counts and no one else. We can see this in his current attempt to ban people from 7 Muslim countries from entering the US. The countries he has his own businesses or interests in are not included. The biggest prime example must be Saudia Arabia. It's common knowledge of the 19 terrorists which attacked America on 9/11 that 17 of these came from Saudi Arabia. In terrorism terms Saudi is the genesis point of all terrorist funding as well as being one of the biggest customers for buying arms from the Western world. To which the UK can be pretty much an embarrassing participant. The word is 'selective.' This is someone who certainly cares about his own business interests even while in office as president and one thing we can guarantee over the next four years is a repeat display of ensuring his businesses are not affected by any decisions he makes. Even as president of the US of A, he cares more about his on empire and no doubt we'll see him milking the country for his own benefit.
he walked to the inauguration ceremony was sickening. It was the body language of someone incredibly smug with themselves, someone who had little in the way of self dignity. If such a person were just walking along the street like this he'd be open to getting assaulted. It was slimy, and again his actions were mirrored yet again in the sickening display of his first dance with the first lady. In this case her body language was of a woman who had been coerced to dance with the most disgusting man in the world. All I could think is Melania (third wife by the way) must of been on drugs the night she conceived, or hypnotised. Or perhaps Donald or Donny as those close to him like to call him. Donny, so it is said has a large stash of rohypnol under the bed, that's how he does it. The second impression I get is she's a gold digger and had hit the jackpot, it stands to reason a beautiful woman who came from Slovenia a poverty stricken country. She's ironically an immigrant to the USA who has gained citizenship only after ten years, and by chance marriage to an orange celebrity who is so tight he probably applies his own fake sun tan cream. In fact it is doubly ironic because everything about Trump's heritage is foreign, he might of been born in the good old US of A, but his mother was Scottish and his father German. His personal family history isn't American, it is European, he was born in America which is as far as it goes. How can a man with so little in the way of being actually American tell real fellow American's they need to keep the foreigners out. He is less American than 99.99 percent of actual American's.
Donny doesn't act like a president. It's one of the most obvious things about him. He acts more like a spoilt thug brought up in the slums who has made it big and everybody around him must genuflect. He has an element of histrionics about his behaviour as well. The juvenile habit of using social media to disrespect other people and to publicly rant and rage is of someone who doesn't care about being judged by those people around him. His personal wealth has meant there has never been a need to curb his behaviour. Unfortunately it has also meant he's had no time for self reflection on his behaviour. For him it is number one who counts and no one else. We can see this in his current attempt to ban people from 7 Muslim countries from entering the US. The countries he has his own businesses or interests in are not included. The biggest prime example must be Saudia Arabia. It's common knowledge of the 19 terrorists which attacked America on 9/11 that 17 of these came from Saudi Arabia. In terrorism terms Saudi is the genesis point of all terrorist funding as well as being one of the biggest customers for buying arms from the Western world. To which the UK can be pretty much an embarrassing participant. The word is 'selective.' This is someone who certainly cares about his own business interests even while in office as president and one thing we can guarantee over the next four years is a repeat display of ensuring his businesses are not affected by any decisions he makes. Even as president of the US of A, he cares more about his on empire and no doubt we'll see him milking the country for his own benefit.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
British Football
I am not a footy fan, but the one thing which I can't deny is loving to hear the passion of those who speak about football, especially on radio 5. They are so in love and so fanatical about the game. However, football has changed, and it has changed so much in the Premiership league even the fans can see the lustre is going. Perhaps it was the ever slow but constant drip and loss of British Footballers as teams went off on spending sprees and bought the best players from around the world. As the game got more talent in it it attracted more of the viewing public, especially those who were willing to pay to view. Then sponsorship became bigger and bigger and signing of players from one team to another became not eye water but rather astronomical. A game which began with proud working class men who would stand on the sidelines shouting their team on. With players who barely got enough money to buy a fish supper but played the game because they loved it to the bottom of their heart. Such were the good old days, so old they have cobwebs and dust on them. For nowadays all has changed, nothing is as it used to be.
Football has become sanitised those who can afford to go are big corporates, they own boxes which view over the field. In almost hygenic fashion they can enjoy a good meal and take a glance down on the field to see how the teams are playing. Some fans may have tickets and those who can afford them notice a change in atmosphere. The fields are not as loud or as vibrant or as exciting and so the passion has dwindled. Passion which is now only present in a local pub where like minded people have a glass or two and shout at the TV set because they can't get in the ground and it's the only place it can be watched for free. While the largest clubs have fans all over the world, fans who have never actually been to a football match at all, fans who are a little like the corporate boxes, jumping onto the bandwagon of excitement, yet don't know what the reality would of been from seeing a real game and going for a dodgy pie from the hut outside. The feel has gone, it is dead and the little clubs who can never get into the premiership league die on their hands and knees trying their best to survive.
There is only one solution here. Stop watching big games on TV, and go and watch your local club every time they play. They may be in the lowest division, can barely get the grass cut on the field but this is where the world began and the commitment really is. For the average working class supporter football will never be the same, and your team chairman, director or owner doesn't give two hoots about what you think or who you are. Sanitised and owned by the rich for the rich, it's not what it used to be.
Football has become sanitised those who can afford to go are big corporates, they own boxes which view over the field. In almost hygenic fashion they can enjoy a good meal and take a glance down on the field to see how the teams are playing. Some fans may have tickets and those who can afford them notice a change in atmosphere. The fields are not as loud or as vibrant or as exciting and so the passion has dwindled. Passion which is now only present in a local pub where like minded people have a glass or two and shout at the TV set because they can't get in the ground and it's the only place it can be watched for free. While the largest clubs have fans all over the world, fans who have never actually been to a football match at all, fans who are a little like the corporate boxes, jumping onto the bandwagon of excitement, yet don't know what the reality would of been from seeing a real game and going for a dodgy pie from the hut outside. The feel has gone, it is dead and the little clubs who can never get into the premiership league die on their hands and knees trying their best to survive.
There is only one solution here. Stop watching big games on TV, and go and watch your local club every time they play. They may be in the lowest division, can barely get the grass cut on the field but this is where the world began and the commitment really is. For the average working class supporter football will never be the same, and your team chairman, director or owner doesn't give two hoots about what you think or who you are. Sanitised and owned by the rich for the rich, it's not what it used to be.
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