Friday, 8 May 2015

The Lib Dem patsys - useful idiots

The 2015 UK General Election has been a travesty result for Labour, a travesty result for Liberal Democrats another travesty result for UKIP and a wonderful landslide for SNP.  Unfortunately the Tories are still in government and now the country is going to be hit with the greatest number of welfare benefit cuts in living memory.  Child poverty will increase even more than it is at present and we shall see mass homelessness, increases in crime and destitution on the streets.  Not to mention how pensioners will feel when they are left suddenly realising their Tory vote has now put themselves in socially a vulnerable position.  So perhaps pensioners are the first set of patsys to take into account.  However, this is unlikely, for in my mind it is the Liberal Democrats who are the historical biggest losers ever. I had previously remarked how simple minded it was for the Liberal Democrats to be in a coalition, but Nick Clegg could not help it, perhaps it was a latent homosexual tendency which rose up when the though of political power and Cameron came to mind. They sealed their kiss in a rose garden at the back of 10 Downing Street for the world to see. It was a tragic civil ceremony and now the Lib Dems have got exactly what they deserve, their once historically high MP seat count has now plunged to the depths it used to be prior to 2010 and Nick Clegg made an exceedingly bad decision. He sold out from the start.

It is with a dose of happiness I can say and wave goodbye to the ignorant useful idiots of Vince Cable and Danny Alexander.  Vince because he should never of sold the Post Office at the monumental loss of between 5 and 8 billion GBPs.  He might of been doing this for the Tories but this was and incredibly bad decision to sell the country's jewels.  As for the sycophantic Danny Alexander it was only a few days ago he began to realise he may not have a job after the election. When he let lose inside knowledge of cabinet meeting discussions on welfare cuts.  Like he was not part of it, but he was because he now revealed it. I am so very happy Mr Alexander has lost his seat of Inverness because I cannot ever recall a politician who had succumbed to another party without actually being in that other party.  His ingratiation to the Tories was so servile and complete it can be recognised by the fact Georgie porgy Osborne said he would miss him.  Porgy as we know is an Eaton boy who has never really made friends with people, unless they happen to have a few million in their back pocket. Danny A will now be signing on the dole in a few days and probably he will learn something. But then again maybe not, his regret is now way too late. They couldn't help though following Clegg, who managed to keep his Sheffield Hallam constituency by a much smaller margin than he'd previously held.  I might of even said it was an honourable thing he did when he decided to resign as leader of the Lib Dems, but in fact it was not, because he should of simply retired and spent the rest of his time putting together jigsaw puzzles in a cosy room at home.

So it is the Lib Dems are winners of the useful idiot award for 2015. The electorate never wanted them to throw in their lot with the Tories, because it makes sense, if you want a Tory you might as well vote for one, why vote Lib Dem?  So the voters did.  What utter and complete saps.

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