Thursday, 23 January 2014

Cameron, now what is his problem

Cameron is a bit like the racing driver who likes everything one sided, the best team, the most money, the most up to date, engine, tyres and equipment and a bit of sabotage of the opposition whenever possible. To put it frankly, the cards have got to be stacked in his favour before he even gets to sit at the table. He can not take surprises or be questioned on things which requires he think about them. He likes to be heard and not questioned, if he is then he'll only repeat himself or go on the defensive. He is a poor man's intellectual, not to mean he is poor but he would never inspire anyone in their right mind.  This would account for his constant, constipated angry look. In fact he should be called the constipated Prime Minister with his side kick smarmy school boy Georgie. These things always appear clear when he is at the dispatch box.

Time and time again Cameron will espouse the great deed of putting people into work, yet repeatedly he is unable to ask the question why it is the cost of living has dropped and why is it a large proportion of these jobs are low paid and part time hours. This leads him on the defensive to chastise the previous government and request an apology for their record.  Yet the national deficit is 1.2 trillion pounds and continues to increase. On the issue of asylum for Syrian refugees, Cameron diverts from the question and refuses answer why the UK will  not be taking in refugees.  Then yet again in facing a question from Miliband of why there is 13 million people in the UK in poverty and being in work Cameron again has no answer.  Yet again he goes on the defensive attacking Labour and their prediction there would be a higher unemployment rate. The reality of people being on welfare benefits and also being sanctioned more frequently on those benefits is not considered by either party.  It is clear though, if more people in poverty than there has been and there are more people in work and more people claiming some form of national assistance. The numbers don't add up. Labour has a question which has to be answered.

Yet as we know, he'd rather continue to hold the angry constipated PM look. As PM he leads an example of what good behaviour should be, and his aggression and avoidance of questions makes PMQs look as Berkow says like a Punch and Judy show.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Osborne's stupidity moves to higher levels of stupidity

It seems George Osborne never fails to go from one level of stupidity to another level of stupidity. He must live above a well of ignorance and stupidity and each time he goes home he is recharged again with these wonderful traits run through his personality like the place name on a stick of rock. (sugary cylindrical sweet,generally bought from sea side towns with the town's name printed through it). He stands on in his pulpit and tells Europe it needs to become more competitive and generate more wealth, stating it has been in steady decline for years, suggesting it was in decline even before the Tories came to power.  So although he and Cameron stood at the dispatch box and chastised Labour's government, they actually know and understand the recession of Europe is European and not British alone.  They've known this all along but like the idea of giving a kicking to the opposition. This is where Ed Miliband is unable to defend his party as he is unable to roll his sleeves up and play dirty, unlike Ed Balls who seems to have a real knack of being able to get under the skin of many Torys.

The Tories have excelled at job creation and on every chance will publicly state this, but equally the public response is to ask, how many of these jobs are on zero hour contracts, how many of these jobs are low paid, how many people are taking up multiple jobs as a means to support themselves.  In addition they target the benefits system and want to reduce the benefits bill. Yet, many of those same persons who are taking up these jobs which have been made have to request additional subsistence from the state to top up their income.  The retorting argument asks the Tories to examine the cost of living crisis the country is going through but they don't want to know about it.  It is a case like everything else, the Devil is in the details and Osborne knows it.  On a recent episode of Question Time even the Tory chairman Grant Chapps was seen to be unable to adequately answer these accusations.  He just doesn't have a clue, just like Osborne, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Osborne has only one cure for a recession, it is to cut back, and cut back even further.  His Tory illiterates are unable to consider it will only take an exceedingly long term view of the economy and the world which will bring the UK out of recession and make it competitive.  We're talking ten or twenty years.  He wants to cut back on welfare but in doing so he doesn't consider what is the best way to get people totally dependent on the welfare state off the welfare state. He doesn't consider these people may have become part institutionalised into being incapable or helpless.  He has got an notion how to encourage and help them gain pride in theirselves, he'd rather just cut back further and make an even lower social class of poverty the country has ever seen.  He can not see it is the who package which needs to be acted on. Education, help, support, responsibility and even employers who can see they to have to take a role in training people. A new born baby may not be able to speak so you wouldn't want it on a call centre, but at the same time you know in twenty years it will be a capable human being. Employers need help to recruit from the long term jobless and take on staff who may not be of much use this very moment, but after sufficient training and support they will be valuable employees. Nope, George sees only one way ahead, cut, cut, cut, let the rich stay rich and the poor get even poorer.

In ten or twenty years from  now George Osborne will be in the news again. I can see in him an individual who likes to be in the limelight, he loves the attention. There is a touch of the histrionic about his personality, as well as a touch of the stupid, a bloody big touch of the stupid.  I can see George being in the news for something bad he has done, or for losing his entire livelihood.  For this is the future for someone as stupid as he is.  Unless he can employ helpers on zero hour contracts who are a bit more knowledgeable.  Of course he will, he's setting up the economy right now for this kind of scenario.  But mark my words George is heading for a fall at some time, I'm sure it will be when he is out of government. The crystal ball has told me so.