Monday, 28 October 2013

Nick Clegg alone in the dark

In discussion with a colleague the name Clegg cropped up. Cleggy, Clegg, Clegg!  Yhere seemed to be general consensus.  Firstly, it was the wrong decision for Clegg to have joined the Tory party in a coalition. His reasons may have been because he wanted to be in power, but actually he already was in power, having the casting vote over both parties he could of reined in every single decision they both made. Instead he compromised on his party's own manifesto and knocked back the Liberal party by at least another 70 years. He had power and he was so blinded by siding to the right and making a single party.  The result is to now make him and the Liberals or Social Democrats or should we just say the third party look like a bunch of clowns following and elephant with the shits. For every day which goes past they get the biggest pile of dung dropped on them ever and can not avoid it no matter what they do. They are tied tightly to the backside of a beast called Toryville.  The second point we agreed on was how interesting it would be to see if Clegg could win his seat again, his original win was based on a promise to thousands of students particularly in his own constituency that fees would be banned. Right now if I was a student, I'd be planning to vote for any other party just to ensure Clegg lost his seat. Student unions and organizations are probably formulating strategies this very moment, between rounds of cheap beer and all night cramming sessions.

Unfortunately I can not see a clear winner for the next election either, Cameron is as fashionable as a fart in a lift and Miliband is standing at speakers corner with no crate to stand on and a bunch of blue coats throwing cabbages at him. The unions may have made the wrong choice in brother, of course this is nothing they would explicitly admit to, but I wouldn't mind betting covert conversations of how the hell do they get out of this fine mess are going on in the background.  I'm pretty sure Clegg will not be around at the next election which means if there is a third party it may not even be the Liberals, surprise, surprise it may just well be UKIP.  Who seem to be pandering to extremes of both Tory and Labour parties.  UKIP have bought out into the open all the scape goats we deny actually exist.  Blame on immigration, blame on the EU and blame the French.  Even though Nigel Farage says he likes them.

If I were to predict the next election it would be hung with two third parties, both Liberals and UKIP. Clegg well I'm sure he will go the same way as a Duck Tours bus needing a service, yep, to the bottom of the Thames.

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