Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Michael Gove, a dispicable irritant

The face of the present government is a nasty one.  It acts like a bully, anyone who does not agree with it's austerity measures and fiscal policy is chastised.  There is no room to listen because it thinks it knows best.  An icon of this warped attitude is Michael Gove.  He has been on news programs voicing his opinion all day to the strike action taken.  When I see him I see a man who can not string an argument together, a man who should not be in a ministerial post by any means.  He has like all those other minsters a self righteous attitude and I can't help but feel the urge to throttle him.  Mild mannered moi.

Maybe it is something to do with his body language and the way he looks.  There is this false sense of sincerity all Tory MPs give off.  They are in the middle of a storm and haven't got the faintest notion of their own hubris about to hit them full in the face.  Unfortunately, they can easily turn the other cheek being they are financially better off than most of the population.  Millionaires the lot of them.  Gove, Osbourne and Cameron, they all ooze this slimy better than thou attitude.  They love the blame game, they love to shower their hard words of depravity upon the rest of us.  They have no sense beyond their own world how other people survive and empathy is not a word they perceive.  Just take any video of Gove and see for yourself, hold back from shouting out "idiot" followed by some other obscenity because this will only increase your blood pressure.

Gove, Gove, Gove, when will you be gone?