The problem with Corbyn is not actually Corbyn at all, it's the rest of the world. Lets face it he's had little to no support from the media and has been fighting a continual battle with his own MPs. Corbyn is by no doubt a true socialist and a true working class advocate as well as advocate for those who are not in work, however the voters no longer side their political belief system to their actual circumstances it is like they have lost the thread and make their own choice decisions. It goes to say
when there is a reaction it doesn't mean there will always be a reaction. Unless you happen to be an MP born in the wrong era, who has become disconnected not with your core supporters but with the public in general. The truth be said, Corbyn is too honest for his own good he does not practice the dark art of wearing a sheep skin misdirection and double speak in order to act the way he wants to act. He is transparent, obvious and to this extent has lost the political football. Like John Prescott would never of been a Prime Minister, Corbyn is the same, I'd have him in my cabinet but he'd never be in the driving seat.

In order to be a politician it is necessary to implement the dark art of spin. The success of any government gaining power has been by their ability to say one thing but do another. Corbyn's straight talking is a clear sign of his unwavering concrete socialist views, unfortunately the world is not black and white it is many shades of grey. An example can be seen in Trumps inauguration speech, when this was being aired it was surprising how much he said was clearly socialist in sound but at the same time it is just as clear this man is a Republican. Perhaps voters are not politically savvy, perhaps they don't understand nearly every politician wears a sheeps skin. Corbyn doesn't and this is a problem. You can't win an election unless you can persuade voters from all parties to vote for you, effectively stealing votes.. The sad thing is voters no longer identify with any specific party, the middle ground is bigger than it has ever been and the need to court the media is imperative. Fact, sometimes you must shake hands with the Devil whether you like it or not. And Jeremy Corbyn just will not.

If Corbyn can't adapt and change to the voter climate he will not lead Labour to a win and if he has no self insight it is the country he must represent not just his core socialist voters he would step down. I don't like saying this and hate myself, but it has been way too long now and the loss of Copeland is the last sign for me.