There is an indisputable fact the world is unfair and becomes more apparent when growing up, in the finite steps between childhood to adulthood success and failure is determined. The availability of opportunities determines the direction where an individual is going. Not their actual mental ability. Whilst, an espoused theme is educational attainment level relates to opportunity. This is not true, for education is not particularly the most important thing for a child. It is the alleged educational level decides a child's future. Yes, education can be a highly significant factor in a child's future however a further advantage can be sort by providing a child with the want and the motivation to get the highest grades possible. Paying for this through private schooling, tutoring or lots of parental assistance is always adding to their advantage.
No matter how the political system of the UK changes, any conscious person can see the wealthier and more engaged parents are with their children the more opportunities there will be. Parenting skills and upbringing have a direct relationship to where a child ends up as an adult. The unfairness of Britain's education system or rather life opportunity system is that parents behaviour will decide how well a child progression in life. Adult can make their own opportunities yet again with the help of a family network or a wealthy to wealthy network they will go further. The educational achievements of the vast majority of Tory MPs and ministers is testimony to this, just as does their public speaking. They are from a different social class one which endeavours to increase the advantage of their kin whenever possible. It is an open secret. However, regardless of their class there is a unchallengeable truth, the majority of politicians, leaders and world leaders actually fail to impress with their intelligence and quiet often their personality.
In the UK an argument continues about education, Prime Minister Teresa May, who is unelected has decided to introduce two further changes to the education system. The re-introduction of grammar schools and the allowance of 100 per cent selection for faith based schools. Faith schools are based on selecting pupils who are of a particular faith, the notion is if both education and faith are intertwined they will be congruent with each other. Of course this does not question whether their faith is a faith which should be used as a model of society. When considering the number of faiths there are in the world. A system based on this notion would ensure the homogeneity of a select part of society for a long time. When we are living in a secular society this is abhorrent. Secularism gives individuals the chance to change their faith a when it doesn't make sense. To move away from something they may not believe and don't want to be controlled by. A 100 per cent faith school will be 100 per cent control. Society will become even more segregated than it has ever been. A person going to a faith school may never know what the thoughts feelings and attitudes of someone from another different faith background. They will be susceptible to believe their faith is above the laws of society and not have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Ultimately society will become polarised, with separate groups defined by their faith, clothes and practices and seclude themselves from contact with those who are not the same. I can not think of a more destructive societal system. If a faith is strong it should not matter how it is challenged, for strength comes from challenge. If a faith is weak it will fail in the face of challenge. Importantly in an equal society all faiths are equal and so is the belief in non-faith (Atheist) logic and scientific.
Grammar schools were developed with the idea education attainment should be a guide to where a child progresses from the age of 11 onwards. If they pass their 11 plus exam they then have the automatic right to attend a grammar school. This is a school with a lot more resources than the normal state secondary school and fewer pupils per teacher. Grammar schools have high standards, not the standards of faith schools which are based on specific religious contexts but standards based on educational attainment with good teaching.
The 11 plus exam is made to weed out those children who do not have dedicated parents, who do not have indigenous links in society and a wider network to call on and those who are likely to be relegated to the lower echelons of society. More than this it is another stab into the self-esteem of children. Children who for a moment are noticed by parents who want them to do well, but at the same time think, well if I didn't pass it then I don't expect my child to pass it. This is self defeatism of the poor and the weak minded. Who perceive their world to be the downtrodden and it will always stay there. They are broken and in turn imbibe the same broken spirit in their children. Social movement cannot even be considered in their mindset. Their place is their place, full stop.
Secondary state schools are where the rest of society go, these are persons who are not considered elite and are not given additional help up the ladder. They don't stand on the shoulders of helping hands. The majority will go to secondary schools, but of course not all secondary schools are the same they to have a league table and the term 'secondary' is now being replaced with 'Academy' school. Meaning the head of the school will determine the pay levels of teachers and can seek to get private sponsorship to help the school. And just like 'secondary' schools Academy schools are not all equal. It seems equality or rather inequality is rife.
Here is a notion one which would even the field. Why not have just one type of secondary school, no private schools and no faith schools. Make it compulsory all children must attend one of these schools and illegal for full-time home based education. Those parents who want the best for their children can then either chose to engage with the school to bring up it's standard or engage private teachers out of the school system. In addition the school should be in a relatively close area, perhaps within a three mile maximum distance. Each of such school would have to be accountable, teachers would be accountable and students would be accountable, and lastly parents must be accountable. Society would integrate as different faiths are crossed at an early age and so are challenged. Those who want better for their children can become school governors and push for the school to improve. Governors can advocate for changes to systems in use, set standards, push for bad teachers to be sacked and lets face it we've all memories of bad teachers. Burnt out teachers who should never of been in the profession because they didn't have a love for it but needed the money and a job. Lastly eduction should be based on sound educational learning theory and psychological theory. Children love to learn when it is fun and there is encouragement for effort, not just for achievement. In the end it is passion for something which results in real results.